I’ve decided to try a fun experiment at Puttylike. I would like to hear about your interactions with friends and family members as you navigate the holidays.
You Know You’re a Multipotentialite When… (The Comic Edition)
Do you exhibit these common multipotentialite behaviours?
Sometimes the Impulsive Choice Is the Right Choice
I’m not an impulsive person. If anything, I tend to overthink. But sometimes, NOT thinking and just jumping into a project or adventure is the absolute best thing you can do.
Use It or Lose It?
If skills fade from disuse, is a life of many passions even possible? How am I supposed to pursue crafts, programming, dancing, languages, history and cookery all at once?
How to Grow Your Blog’s Audience
Greg has just started a blog and wants to know how to get more readers so he can eventually turn it into a business. Here’s my answer.
Why “Success” is an Unhelpful Idea and How to Really Flourish as a Multipotentialite
You can’t tell how happy someone is by the size of their paycheck or their influence in the world. Instead of striving for “success,” strive for this.
What Makes a Successful Multipotentialite?
Success is just a label we attach to other things. And when we confuse the label for the thing itself, that can cause problems.
Does Sharing Your Goals Sabotage Your Chances of Success?
There’s a theory that telling people your goals makes you less likely to accomplish them. Is this true, or is there ever a time when sharing can be helpful?
Why You Need Your Multipotentialite Inner Child
We could all stand to embrace a childish attitude – being open, curious and, above all, believing that there’s always more to learn.