Hi multipods,
Ahh the holidays! The good food, the presents, family, the social gatherings…
This is a time when many of us have challenging interactions with people we don’t see very often. It can also be a really fruitful time–a time for sharing and understanding and even emotional breakthroughs.
I want to hear from you!
I’ve decided to try a fun experiment at Puttylike. I would like to hear about your interactions with friends and family members as you navigate the holidays.
Please go here and tell me a story about a time you felt really good explaining one of your multipotentialite life choices to a friend, relative, or acquaintance.
The catch: your story needs to be under 1000 characters (roughly 200 words). I know that is hard. That’s part of the fun. Take the word limit as a creative challenge and use it to really home in on your story and submit something AWESOME.
(And don’t even think about emailing me with a longer response. I have way too much going on right now and your story won’t get read or chosen. 🙂
I’ll pick the 3-5 sweetest, funniest and/or most inspiring stories and share them in a blog post in January.
Your deadline is December 31. Go!
I can’t wait to read your story.
Your (jolly) pal and fellow multipotentialite,
When you are leader of a new team, it is very important that you allow people to get to know the “you” outside of your role & workplace.
Most start with their resume of where they worked and their accomplishments. As a Multipotentialite, I couldn’t disagree more.
I always presented a PPT of my interests which include my work as an artist, woodworker, advanced model rocketry, sculptor, home remodeling, and even survivalist among others. I never mentioned a resume unless asked.
Result? If sincere in delivery and without arrogance, be prepared to interact with many who want to begin to build a relationship in getting to know each other. Multipotentialites often find easily “common ground” with people, either by mutual interest, or because you find interest in what they do!
Although semi-retired, I have stayed in contact with 45% of all those in which I have led over the last 30 years as a result. People don’t quickly understand Mulipotentites (us) but once you start meaningfull sharing of what you have to offer, they will respect how we tackle challenges differently. I am a blessed person because of it.
As Emily so gracefully stated …. ..,“Multipotentialites, they need us.”