Is it possible to work with an accountability partner AND prioritize things like self-compassion, listening to oneself and healing at the same time?
Want an Accountability Buddy? What’s New This Month in the Multipotentialite Community
Have you ever dreamed of having an accountability buddy who’s also a multipotentialite? Someone to talk with about your many projects who GETS IT?
What to Do on a Personal Retreat – Part 2
I desperately need a break from everything and, thanks to your suggestions, I have a plan. Well, a loose plan… That’s kind of the point.
I Need Your Suggestions! What Would You Do on a Personal Retreat? [Video]
How do you recover after a big project or rough season in your life? Got any self-care practices to recommend for my personal retreat?
In a Weird Place…
How do you deal with the end of a big project/challenging season in your life? Do you get organized right away and jump into new projects? Or do you let things flow more naturally and see where they go?
Win a Signed Copy of How to Be Everything + We Won a Book Award!
The paperback is out. Here’s how you can win a signed copy.
My Job Looks Great on Paper, so Why Doesn’t It Feel Right?
Have you ever had a job that checks all of the boxes, but just doesn’t excite you, for whatever reason?
Which Multipotentialite Season Are You In?
Full speed on a few main projects? A growing sense of boredom? Experimenting with a million new ideas? We all move through different seasons at different times—let’s see where you’re at.
Need Help With Your Multipotentialite Career/Business/Life?
The Puttyverse is a safe space for multipotentialites.