The problem with niches is that we don’t want to get stuck with one that’s too narrow. Here’s how to create a business that’s broad enough for your multipotentialite nature.
Help! It Feels Like Everyone Else Is More “Together” Than Me
How to stop comparing your insides to other people’s outsides.
Why Multipotentialites Make the Best Artists
What makes a good artist? Stories. Experiences. Theories. Imagination. Humor. Wit. It’s the intangible stuff combined with the skill that makes a great artist.
The Kindness of Strangers and Trusting the Universe
That time I bought a travel trailer to live and explore the Pacific Northwest in.
Why You Find it Hard to Talk about Your Various Projects
Some reasons it might not be time to talk about your multipotentialite projects.
How To Grow Your Business Multipotentialite-Style
Are you worried that you might find yourself getting bored with your current business model? Here are a few different ideas to get you feeling inspired again.
The Puttyfest Wrap-Up Post (Including All of Your Amazing Blog Posts) #puttyfest
A roundup of YOUR articles about what it means to be a multipotentialite.
Puttyfest Starts Today! Will You be Celebrating with Me? #puttyfest
Puttyfest is all about showing the world what it means to be a multipotentialite and why it is indeed a good thing.
What is a Multipotentialite? (a Video Message from Emilie)
I get asked this question all the time, and I’ve decided to answer it in a video post today.