We fear having to start again from scratch. We worry that our new plans will be dismissed by those around us as a midlife crisis. Here’s why learning of your multipotentiality is great at any age.
Articles tagged "career"
What Happens When Those Closest to Us Don’t Accept What We Do?
When you say no to orthodox employment and the 9-5 work paradigm, you may find that you’re inviting trouble into your life. Here’s how to deal with criticism from family and friends.
How a Varied Career Path Can Translate to Entrepreneurship
Having a zigzagging career path isn’t all bad. In this article I break down how every job I’ve ever had has helped me in unexpected ways.
So, What Do You Do? A Multipotentialite’s Guide to Introductions
When your work or passions don’t fit in a simple job title, this question can feel like the bane of your existence. But, if you approach it in the right way, it can be an opportunity to connect and even learn more about yourself.
The Secret to Finding a Fulfilling Career (or Three)
When choosing a career, it makes more sense focus on the Why than the What or the How.
Losing Interest in Something You Are “Gifted” At
We’re often told that when we give up, it’s because we’re afraid. But what if you’re only sticking with something because of fear?
Help! I Want to Combine My Interests in One Business. Where Should I Start?
An artistically-inclined teacher & environmental scientist is tired of working for other people. So, what’s next? Emilie gives their best advice on the first steps towards smooshing your passions together into a dream career or business.
The 7 Multipotentialite Super Powers
Here’s why so many innovators throughout history have been multipotentialites.
The Eclectic Life of a Zoo Mystery Author
When you’re interested in everything, life can take you to very unexpected places.