Most of us hate being asked what we do. I mean, how do you introduce yourself when there are a dozen different roles that you might assume on a regular basis and “what you do” is constantly changing?
Unlike your peers, you may not have one easy-to-summarize job title, or there may not be one company that you can say that you work for. Perhaps you’re in a position where you have a job that brings in the majority of your income, but that job in no way encapsulates everything you do or what you are working toward.
Almost all multipotentialites seem to struggle with this issue. It’s sort of the adult version of the Question, and for many of us, it is really is the bane of our existence…
Last week I asked you guys how you introduced yourselves in my email and on Facebook. I received so many smart, thoughtful answers. My suggestions in this post reflect the answers you sent in, but I would also recommend reading through the full list of comments if you want to see how other multipotentialites do it.
Context is everything: tailor your answer to who’s asking
Most multipotentialites have a few different answers that they pull out depending on who’s asking. If you are socializing with someone who works in an industry related to one of your pursuits or has interest in that area, it might make sense to lead with that. Of course, you might alternatively prefer to spice things up by sharing something you are doing in a totally unrelated field. That’s another way to go.
When it comes to sharing more, consider their intentions. Is this a professional setting? Is the person asking a potential new friend who seems open-minded? Are they genuinely interested, or are they just being polite?
Moreover, how do you feel? Are you in the mood to dive in and talk about your work in depth, or would you prefer to just drop a one-word answer and move on with your day?
Sometimes I actually don’t feel like having a big discussion about what a multipotentialite is, and so I say that I’m a consultant or a web designer. Dropping an easy-to-understand/boring title provides an out, and allows you both to move on to a new topic if you want.
The beautiful thing about being a multipotentialite, is that you have so many different identities, that you can literally choose the one that sounds the most conventional and requires the least amount of explanation if like. But it’s worth sitting down and writing up a list of possible one-liners that you can pull out in different contexts.
Throw out a feeler first and then elaborate
Sometimes you are in the mood to talk about your work and share the true extent of who you are, but you want to make sure that the person you’re speaking with is actually interested and isn’t going to criticize you.
In these situations, I’ll usually throw out a feeler. I’ll say something that could both stand alone or be a diving board into further conversation if the other person wants to take it there. For example, I’ll say something like “I run an online community,” and then if they reply with, “What kind of online community?” I’ll elaborate. Or I’ll say “I’m a writer,” and if they say “What kind of stuff do you write?”, then I’ll go into multipotentiality, the blog, etc.
If you work for yourself, your feeler can also be a title that you’ve given yourself. Lately, I’ve been testing out “I’m the Founder and Creative Director at Puttylike.” That sounds pretty good, and “Creative Director” makes more sense to people than “Resident Multipotentialite,” or “Chief Troublemaker,” (though a quirky title isn’t always a bad idea. Again, it depends on who you’re speaking to).
The “I do many things” approach
Another way to answer the question “what do you do?” is to lead with your multipotentiality. To say something like “I do many things,” or “I’ve got a bunch of different projects on the go right now,” or even “I’m a multipotentialite!” (That’ll lead to further conversation, don’t worry…)
This is probably the most genuine way to answer, but often the most confusing for people, particularly those with a specialist mentality. It’s a good way to go if you pretty sure you’re in the presence of another multipotentialite, or you happen to be feeling confident and excited about all of your projects and just want to talk about them. It will lead to a discussion though, so you’d better be ready to talk about your various pursuits.
If you are one of those multipotentialites with a day job that doesn’t reflect everything you are working on, you can say something like, “Well, right now my day job is _____, but there are a lot of other things that I’m working on.”
The “I help _______ do _______” approach
Another option is to leave your medium/title out entirely and instead, talk about your broader Why or overarching theme.
When I use this approach, I say something like, “I help people who have a lot of different interests find ways of integrating all of their interests into their lives.” Other examples would be things like, “I help businesses tell their stories,” or “I help empower youth.” It doesn’t say anything about HOW you empower youth. Maybe you’re a dance teacher, maybe you’re a motivational speaker, maybe you work at a non-profit, maybe you do all three. They all fit within your statement, so it doesn’t matter if you use multiple formats.
Again, this approach will invariably lead to a discussion, so be sure that you’re in the mood to elaborate on all of the ways in which you help _____ do ______.
At the very least, it’s a good idea to answer this question for yourself. If you haven’t already, sit down and spend some time identifying who you help (your audience) and how you improve their lives (the value you provide). It’s a really useful thing to know.
Use it as a filter
It would be awesome if this question would just go away and instead people would get to know you by asking something like, “What are you excited about right now?”. But until that happens, we’re stuck answering this awful question.
So, take some time and brainstorm a few potential answers for yourself. With time, it’ll get easier explaining what you do. But even if it doesn’t get easier, then think of your introduction as a way to filter good people into your life and don’t worry about the rest. Let them be confused about what you do, and then go off and have fun pursuing all of your passions.
Your Turn
How do you introduce yourself when someone asks you what you do?

Struggling with your career? Check out Emilie’s self-paced course on the many ways multipotentialites make a living.
For me it really depends on the setting . I am a multipod that still works a day job (for the time being) and when I am in those settings that require me to deal with my day job i lead with that title. When I am hanging out with friends or networking I usually go with a Business Consultant or Business Developer. I can’t wait to transition from my day job to my business full time.
Awesome, Austen. I can’t wait to see that happen too! 🙂
But how do you brand yourself? How do you build your image? It’s there an article about this?
Great article that sums up all the possible answers. (I’ve already written my answer on Facebook, so I won’t repeat here.)
In terms of changing the starting question, here’s what I’ve started asking: “What is one ‘win’ you’ve had today/last 24 hours?”
I’ve been asking this as an audio level test while prepping video interviews, but I find everyone has an answer and it gets them excited, putting them in a better mood straight off.
Love it! I’m a big fan of tracking small wins. I should get back into that. Used to do it all the time.
I’m so pleased with myself for knowing what ‘overarching theme’ means 🙂
Your book was so much help to me to make sense of what I do (when I didn’t know myself!) I went from being a carpenter to “someone who helps people get the home they want!”
Good post Emilie and a topic that will be evergreen for all multipotentiality!
Ian, thank you! <3
Hey Emilie,
I’ve been following your blog for a while, and I am increasingly impressed by how well you understand what polymaths experience. Sometimes, I believe you’re hacking into my life and writing a post specifically for me and my current situation. This post is another example. I just want to say thank you for your wonderful posts.
Thank you, Tony! That really means a lot.
Emilie, I feel the same way as Tony, exactly. I just discovered you and this fantastic site, by way of your TED Talk which has been in my queue of things I intend to watch for several months now. Your TED Talk brought a tear to my eye about the time you started describing the 2nd superpower. To know there are others out there who understand what it is like to be me, to be US, it makes a world of difference. So glad you found me.
Hi Emilie,
I’m new to you too and I too cried when I saw your TED Talk.
I just quit a job that was stressful and unrewarding and as I look now for another job, I send a link to your TED talk to the person interviewing me!
You are heaven sent!
I’m looking for a job! Are you hiring?
As a true multipotentialite, I can move anytime!
Huge appreciation for YOU!
Thanks for the advice, Emilie! This post has come at just the right time. I’m still working on how to answer that question(s), and it usually leaves me flailing.
When people ask me what I do, I typically say: “By day, I’m a proofreader for a design agency, by night, I’m a freelance writer.” The problem with this is people immediately ask me: “What kind of stuff do you write?”
That’s the question I hate. Because I refuse to specialize, which is a huge source for criticism in the freelance writing community. I’m slowly learning to define where I want my business to go as in terms of the type of clients I want to work with, but I have no desire to limit what type of writing and editing I do.
So I struggle with that answer more than the first one. I want to be able to simply say, “I’m a storyteller” and have people be satisfied with that. But alas, that may be wishful thinking.
Aagghhhhh! I so hate the “So what do you do question?”!!
Part of me fills with dread about how to answer it (in a way that makes sense to the enquirer), whilst another part wants to go into great detail and tell them everything. It’s soooo tricky to get the balance right.
I sometimes just start off by telling people I’m an artist. It kind of sets the scene for them – they’re then primed that whatever I say next may be a little weird and wonderful. Great post. 🙂
Great ideas! I had to deal with the “What do you do question” a lot last night. Luckily about 99% of the people I talk to seem to be intrigued that I do so many different things. I think the key is to not be afraid of what other people might think–they’ll generally be fascinated. Sometimes the people I talk to even start bringing up projects they’ve secretly wanted to explore but have been afraid to do. It’s inspiring to think you might be able to help motivate someone to explore other facets of their personality.
Awesome topic! and sparks the idea of answering the question back with? I’ll tell you what i’m excited about and working on right now and leave it openended unless they want to get specific.
I also think if you have some testimonies or successes in your variety of interests can sound like you work on one project at a time and are successful at one even though you may be working on many.
The thought of being a multipotentialite, also becomes easier when you have things that work together or overlap each other which i believe you have mentioned before and definitely craft a variety of 15-30 second intro’s depending on your situation helps keep you from sounding wishy washy.
This question is a tough one for me too! So many good ideas here though, I really like your advice of throwing out the feeler first and then elaborating if there’s interest. I think I have a tendency just to launch into telling people exactly what I do when they ask, and sometimes it’s probably really not needed!
I tend to tell people I’m a designer, but with my website becoming an increasing part of what I do I’m feeling the need to expand on what I say. Then there’s also uni and my part time job. When I do elaborate on everything I do it leaves most people saying ‘wow you do alot!’, but it also feels so disjointed sometimes when I tell it that way even though it all makes sense to me in my own world. I guess for me there is some kind of sense and a narrative to everything I’m doing. It’s likely not clear to others though!
Thanks for your tips here Emilie! 🙂
Do you know Emilie this reminds me about something I read years ago in a de-briefing pack after I came back from East Africa. The theory is that you should be careful about how you talk about your experiences, when they deviate from the ‘norm’ (whatever that is!)because your choices, your experiences can ‘threaten’ choices that others make (make them look less interesting etc). In other words you challenge their ‘world view’ or their perception of their place in it.
Although folks ask about your trip/job/life, out of politeness, be careful about diving in too deep lest you trigger their defence mechanism which will tune you out to protect their view of the world.
Bit like the old soldiers that start conversations with “during the war”, after a while people stop listening.
Oops! brain dump 🙂 It’s an interesting topic though!
Cheers for now Emilie
Hi Ian, I’m reading your post from August 2013, in October 2015 so maybe you’ve moved on.
But I wanted to let you know that some of your comments have shed some light on my current predicament, and that they will help me sort out my current problems.
I’ve just returned to my “home” city in Canada after working for 12 years in Taiwan.
And I haven’t been able to understand why I haven’t been able to make any connections, until I read your comments about “being perceived as a threat” to their world view. Added to my somewhat unusual recent work and lifestyle experiences, I went to Taiwan when I was 70, and I’m now 80. All my “good old” fiends have spent the last 12 years of their lives, playing bridge and nursing ailments. So now I realize I disturb their “world view” of what their life should be. Gosh, I must really make them feel uninteresting and boring – which they are to me. Anyway, I think your comments will help me create my new life – which will not include playing nothing but bridge every day!
You left for Taiwan when you were 70? Well, you sound like just the fun kind of person I like to meet lol!
Glad that my comment helped you sort out your experiences, it certainly has been true for me as someone ‘new’ in various countries. Of course being a foreigner surrounded by folks in their often home town I appear to be adventurous by comparison.
This reminds me of a couple of movies we’ve just watched (The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel and The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel) set in India where some of the aged guests were enthralled by the heat, the colour, the people, the noise and yet others were appalled by, yup you guessed it, the heat, the colour, the people, the noise!
Peoples perception of events vary widely which I guess is what makes most of us so interesting.
Here in Norway we are surrounded by relatively wealthy folks who whisk their kids off to their cabins or Spain etc for holidays and they look at us a little strange when they ask us what we are doing for Christmas…. taking a 9 and 12 year old to India (Bangalore, Mysore and Kerala) and hopefully to Rwanda next year.
Well, hope you get settled in Helen and meet some like minded folks, we are out there but like you say, probably not playing bridge 🙂
My favorite saying again…. to meet extraordinary people, you’ve got to do extraordinary things.
Hi Helen,
I would have loved to commend you, but as Ian has already done that…
It is really commendable, and also remarkable; there are no words to describe the adventure you undertook.
Thanks for writing in. Though still a ‘kid’, you’ve fueled my desires to continue to do things/ embrace new adventures for as long as I desire to.
With love and respect,
Helen, I’m reading your post on December 13, 2016 and love that you have not settled for the recliner. I love your statement, “create my new life” at the age of 80. I really like that. I am leaning into adventure until the end, whenever that may be.
Nice post, Emilie.
I love the “I help _____ do ______” approach. Time to get to work on figuring that out.
Thank you!
Unless it’s a police interrogation (and even then) you are not required to answer anyone’s question. Of course it is usually to your benefit to be socially graceful so I like to turn it around to answer in a way that suits who I am. I really like one of the comments in the article; wishing the question was:
What are you excited about right now?
So, make it your’s. I would answer this way, ‘Well, right now I am pretty excited about….”.Much more interesting.
When people ask you what do you do it’s usually just a way to make a connection (a human one, not a business one) and start a conversation. It’s just an opener (unless you are at an unemployment office!).
Us Multi-potentialites are interesting enough to not need a drab and expected response. And so often they take the conversation only to talk about how good (or awful) the catering is.
Of course there are plenty of legit and interesting careers that will make you want to find out more from your cocktail talk interactions: it could even lead to a new interest and direction.
Icebreaker? Way to determine if you fit into their social class? I never know or care. I’m pretty shy and always seem to feel like answering that question is never really necessary. Somehow, over the last 50 or 60 years, we’ve felt compelled to know what people “do” to make their income. Who really cares? So…what I usually say, almost no matter who confronts me, is to change the direction of their silly question. I say, “Do? when?” Then I stand and watch them become confused. Then I usually say, “I’m really not that interested in what anyone spends their day doing to bring home a paycheck…I probably won’t ever see you at your Job. I’d rather know what you like to do for fun…when you are away from your job.” Sometimes I point out that typically when folks in the south meet, they almost Never ask that question of anyone. I have found this to be true in my life. A lot of times people will respond to my answer by saying they never thought about it that way, and then we end up talking about the fun things we like to do when we aren’t earning a paycheck. This is just my $0.02! Thank you for providing this platform to help people like us learn how to bring our talents together in a way that empowers us, and supports our spirit, our essence, and our soul. We want to know we make a difference in the world, and that we will be remembered when we are no longer in this space.
Don’t for get that some of us are lucky enough to make a living doing what we love Lynn! I am grateful every single day for the privilege of being able to earn a living doing what I’d do for free because I love doing it.
When I was younger, I never knew what to say when someone asked “What do you do?” I didn’t like being pigeon holed. The response that got the most interesting conversations going was “Whatever I want.”
Thankfully, I’m now of the age I can say – “Oh, I’m retired.” (Which is a lie but keeps things simple.) If they follow up with something like “Retired what?” I say “Retired businessman.”
If they keep probing I just pick one of my numerous past enterprises that seems to mirror them somewhat and say “Well, for a while I owned a … whatever.” And, we talk about that.
I remember once, in my early thirties, a fellow asked me to come to his office for a conversation. I was working as a financial consultant for a brokerage firm next door and was on their board of directors. He wanted me to buy him out of his portfolio of local investments. “What exactly is it that you do?” he asked. That time I just stood mute before him.
He looked at me for a bit and said, “Whatever needs doing, right?” He was right and that’s a fact. I still remember the incident over thirty years later.
I usually pick the answer that pops into my brain first, the one that suits my mood at the time. But it’s actually really handy having my kids standing next to me when this question is asked, if I can’t be bothered going through the list – when someone asks “What do you do?”, I just motion toward my daughters and say, “I’m a mum.” Then I can elaborate, the extent depending on how interested/interesting the other person is.
Some nice solutions in your post though Emilie! Thankyou.
My favorite line is, “I’m between gigs right now.” That usually confounds people to the point of being a conversation-turner. I can then direct or redirect the way I choose. Especially being a woman, we are so reluctant to define ourselves by what we “do”! Last weekend, at a reunion, a woman asked my husband and me what we do for hobbies. I really liked that question! – and it tells you much more about a person, who they are, what makes them tick.
I usually answer with a simple “whatever I want!” 🙂
Yes but… how do I introduce myself on my Linked In profile? How do I come up with a nice cohesive Fits-All-Sizes Title and Summary?? I’m really stuck and keep going around in circles…
There are the things I do now (graphic design, database management, workflow specialist, art account management)…
and there are the things I’m working toward now (courses in web writing and social media)
and there are the things next in line that I REALLY want to be doing (technical writing and editing)
and then there is that I’ve got inherent writing/editing talents but no proof/certification yet.
Sorry I’m late but what @independowendo says^^^ At almost 47 I’m relatively well prepared to answer the casual “What do you do?” (I often give the answer that Stebro mentioned – whatever needs doing) But LinkedIn is currently the bane of my existence. I feel like I need 5 LinkedIn identities. A post on how to create a multipod LinkedIn page that doesn’t look like I’m insane would be great!
PS I’m new here and loving the site. Thanks!
Saying your between jobs or the like is a euphemism for unemployment, so you can’t use it often without looking like a bum. I just tell them I’m a student or something generic related to what I’m currently doing and they usually back off. I don’t tell them I’m an artist because I don’t want to show them my work (I’ve done that before on request and gotten strange faces from people so… yeah… I don’t share anymore). I dread this question so much I usually avoid social functions where I feel people are going to ask this question as a point of comparison for themselves (ie. parents of friends trying to figure out if their kids turned out better than other people’s kids – it’s extremely destructive).
PS: I posted a comment maybe 15-20 mins ago on another article, and the site says I’m posting too fast? What?
Sorry. No sleep last night.
As an introvert, an herbalist and a newly realized multipotentialist (watched her TEDTalk last night @ my husband’s request because he said “this is SO YOU!”) It’s Nnice to finally begin to accept that at 45 I’m not a total failure. We talked last night about how I will avoid social gatherings because it’s so difficult for me to deal with that question (for all the added reasons you listed). It’s challenging enough being an introvert but then being faced with that question know that I’m not on the socially acceptable spectrum of success- I just shut people out; I don’t go. Sometimes when I’m eating lunch out, alone, I internally beg people not to sit near me “don’t sit here, don’t sit here. Dammit. Okay, don’t talk to me, don’t talk to me.” They always do & they always ask.
On the way to functions, I have gotten so worked up over that question that my husband and I discuss what to say if it comes up. Last night he mentioned for the first time “tell them you do whatever the hell you want. It’s true, right?! Most people can’t say that.”
But now, I’m feeling much better and more confident in how to answer that. Thanks to all of you!!
As a fellow introvert, herbalist and newly realized multipotentialist I totally relate to your post! 🙂
Nice to have found this blog and all who contribute.
A couple of weeks ago I was asked a similar question. A partner in my Impro-Theatre-Group asked what my true passion is. I felt ashamed because I don’t have one. So my first answer was, “Well, I just love to learn new things, more or less, all kinds of things.” (At the moment, it’s boxing, running, impro, vegan cooking, and upcycling clothes). But I felt I should narrow it down, so I told that I really was into playing the clarinet in an orchestra and singing in a choir. In some ways that is right because I used to do both and enjoyed it. Also, I’d like to get there again, so I’m thinking of joining a choir or taking music lessons. However, neither one is my true passion.
Since I have read about multipotentiality, I realized that my underlying passion is that I just like to learn or get to know many different things.
PS: I’ve just heard about your blog recently and I love the idea of multipotentiality! Thank for this blog and your TedTalk, Emilie.
I usually start with a low profile, chosing one of my interests/activities that best matches the people I’m with. Then, if the conversation gets interesting, I may add a few other things if appropriate.
I see that many people will read you negatively as bragging if you come out with too many interests. I’m in my 70’es now, and still some people shake their heads in disbelief over my many passions. You can’t focus. You’re spreading yourself too thin, etc.
But what I really am is a collector of life experiences. I love experiencing new things. Even the unpleasant ones, if new, have something to teach me. I’m quite convinced that when I die, I will be happily examining the coffin from the inside, trying to understand how they are made.
Hi Wenke,
I like that view of collecting life experiences! This is a great idea phrasing it like that. And since life has to offer so much, why should you narrow your interests down? 🙂
Dear Emily,
I have just watched your TED talk and discovered the community.
I have alawys acknoledged to be a woman of many talents (modesty being one of them…). I have always been good at whatever I undertook, I have always diven dangerously deep into whatever the flavour of the moment was, living it to the fullest or not at all…
And FOR YEARS I have HATED and DREADED the “what do you do in life?” question. I couldn’t figure out why, I just knew that the question was not fit for my answer. Or that the expected answer was not who I felt I was inside. I’ve ALWAYS hated labels!!! Because they are so restrictive and a label is not who I am. I am a billion labels. All of them. None of them. Awww!
Anyways, to answer the title question, I have finally settled for something along the lines: “interprète de conference de formation, fianancière de profession et Lindy Hoppeuse de passion” (“I am a conference interpreter by education, financial by profession and Lindy Hopper by passion”).
Recently though, I have been feeling like a fraud as I have stopped Lindy Hopping. Depending on the time of the year, I am an avid cylist or a snowboarding instructor. And sometimes, the most exciting thing on the world is sleeping.
Now I understand why and that I am not the only one in the world experiencing this.
Looking forward to being part of this community!
You hit the mark. I usually determine what to tell someone based on the context that I am meeting them in. Most times I say that I am an “educator in the true sense of the word: bringing out the best in others. This normally comes through the process of training, coaching, speaking and web design.” Naturally people say “web design! That’s different!” And I politely say the process is parallel.
I always liked how the owner of the Mens Warehouse used to say, “we’re in the people business, we just happen to sell suits.” That’s how I feel about what I do.
“Multipotentialite” Thank you so much for saving my generalist ass/arse! I’ve often been referred to as a ‘generalist’ … and I was just on the verge of using this uninspiring term to describe myself. Now I can get on with multipotentiating … Cheers
This is incredibly helpful and I’ve read everyone’s post so thank you all for your comments. I tend to tell people that mine’s been less career path and more crazy paving before going on to tell them what I’m doing at present but that doesn’t look great on The LinkedIn! I’ve got a whole new way of thinking about how might answer that awful question now.
I’m new to all of this and am oh so relieved to find I’m not alone. I have spent too many years bemoaning the fact that I couldn’t find my niche and, unhelpfully, comparing myself with friends/colleagues who I deem to have made a success of their lives because they have been specialists. How wrong could I be?!
I have become less social over the years, and my hobbies, being mainly solitary, don’t require that I form a social network. So unfortunately, I don’t often get asked “the question”. I am attempting to change this.
I’m a well-practiced multipotentialite – but I’ve only just come to realise it. I recognize the feelings talked about by others. Such is my (old) need to be a niche person that I’m finding myself wondering if I am a TRUE multip? Am I enough of one? Which makes me wonder about the relationship between perfectionism and multipotentialism? I was thinking that my immersion in a new interest was the need to get perfect at something and that when I got bored I had failed to be perfect. Now I can see that my drive has not been to be perfect (although such feelings do compete), simply to be interested and engaged in life and the world.
Wow Emilie, you have truly out done yourself again with this amazing post! Thank you so much for such a thorough and step-by-step approach along with real life examples on how to tackle these sticky, non-linear, question we get asked daily. I am 24 years old, and when people ask me futuristic questions like, what do you want to be or what are your career goals? I try to remind myself that most people do mean well from their questions, but don’t realize the anxiety it can cause inside of us, so I just reply: you know I’m still figuring things out, but right now I’m working on staying present, and enjoying the ride. It’s not an answer people hear all the time, but that comes along with the territory of being an out of the box thinker. Most people actually appreciate the answer because it is so honest and doesn’t come across as superficial. I hope to be the anthesis of superficial questions… if their questions is nothing but a bag of air, then an honest and creative answer can deflate that facade. If people are genuine about their interaction, they will stick around and ask questions, if not, they will move on- which is good for both parties in the long run.
I usually to answer this question by telling them 2 or 3 things that I am doing at the moment, rather than saying “I am…”, or “My job is…”.
I love the image chosen for this post. It hit close to heart for me.
After a 5 year break/hiatus to pursue a lifelong dream, I attended a conference only a month ago to meet up with past colleagues. When they asked where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing and what type of work I was looking for, I tried to shrug that part off. Instead, I gave a robotic reply of “I’m getting back into the industry”. But earlier that day, when I had to create a registration badge that felt like some ridiculous, plastic noose, I really wanted to just fill in Profession: Undecided.
Every creative, flexible bone in my body feels more chaotic than ever before! I feel like I found out about Emilie and fellow multipotentialites just in time. I thought I was going crazy, like I just needed to take some yoga and recenter myself. Hey! Yoga! There’s an idea! I’ll add it to the list.
I’m new to this group, but I actually struggled with this exact idea a few months ago. I posted a blog ( basically for my own benefit. I needed to put down in words what I wanted to say, and to see how it looked (since most people only “see” a blog and never hear it). I’m looking forward to being a part of this group, seeing how other people are dealing, and hopefully defining my business before I retire! Thanks, Emilie, for pulling us all together.
I’ve always found this a question generated by specialist thinking an don’t even ask it anymore. I will try to beat someone I’m introduced to to the punch and ask “so what do you do with your time?” Or “what’s keeping you busy these days?” If they do ask first need to judge if they are being sincere or just bing polite. Polite gets, I just mention the field I’m in generically, or give them the name of the company I work for. Sincere gets…sincerity!
So happy I found this site!
After years of struggling to figure out a solution to this question I eventually turned to referring to myself as an artist. I wasn’t confident in myself at that point and was lost in a lot of ways. All that changed once I resolved my issues, blasted through my insecurities, and came out the other side /awesome/. That’s when the true answer, for me, revealed itself and from then on I never hesitated once again on my response.
“What do you do?”
Whatever I want
If I’m in a general setting with no central theme relating to work or career that unites the people who are present, I sometimes say, “I run a multidisciplinary firm”. If asked, I mention the range of services I offer.
When someone asks me, “what do you do,” I put it back on them. I ask, “what do you mean?” Instead of assuming I know what they mean and wracking my brain for what feels like the best answer, I let them define what it is they are asking. From there I can answer more specifically.
That’s a great idea, Tory. I may have to steal that. 🙂
Thanks Emilie:) Asking powerful questions goes along way!
I have seen Emilie’s TEDTalk recently, actually.
And I must say I just saw myself in every single word!
Regarding the introducing myself subject, I was in an MBA class that my group decided to talk about what we do for a living.
I think that was my first time introducing myself as a Multipotentialite: I am an electrical engineer, and I am a blogger (my Instagram says that, but it was my first time saying out loud).
As a blogger, I found that I can exercise several of my interest; Also in engineering, as I work in a company where several disciplines must be combined.
I was actually very proud at that moment, and seeing the reaction of the other students. They were like: “Now I get where you are coming from!”
So, thanks for the inspiration!
Hello Emilie, wow this post was great, i found myself reflected in may of the things you said, i think i have used a few of those aproaches at some point but honestly the one i struggle more i would say is when i try to explain all the projects im doing at that point, most of the time seeing most of faces looking at me like “what on earth?, she doesnt know what to do in life, just focus in one thing face”. Im very happy to found this space and finally found a word that defines me :).. Thank u so much!
Emilie: I am happy and proud to meet you in this virtual world.
I have always thought of myself as “never quite satisfied” with where I was in my life, career-wise.
I am a retired carpenter. I made a living by being versatile as a carpenter. I thrived on the idea that even though I was not truly an expert in any one aspect of our trade, I was above average in all facets of our trade. I could make a living as a framing carpenter, as a drywall installer, as a millwright, as a cabinet-maker,as a form carpenter, as a finish carpenter, or as a supervisor. I ended that career as the Business Representative for the union that covered all this work.
That last job utilized skills I learned in college like English, Public Speaking, Business acumen and more (before I quit because I was bored and totally undecided).
At this point in my life I am studying and investigating how to make it as a blogger (travel, golf and food, with emphasis on finding one’s “happy spot” or Hydeout).
Your philosophy intrigues me to the utmost. Thank you!!!!
I’m that annoying person who asks you what you do. I’m asking because I’m interested in what people do for a living or for fun or whatever reason. I like people. There’s no need to get defensive about my motives. It’s okay to have a boring day job you’re not in the slightest bit impassioned by. Human boredom is just as fascinating to me as human thrills. I’m not pigeonholing you and I don’t perceive your diverse experiences as a threat. It would be great if we we could have friendly interactions not tinged with cynicism and fear. No need to come up with a quick retort that puts the question back on me or turns the conversation into a sociolinguistic argument about what the word “do” really means. Being undecided, eclectic or pleasantly confused is not a crime and I am not a cop. Be spontaneous and sincere. Pre-planning retorts and responses is unnecessary when someone is just trying to get to know you, pass the time, hear a good story and not look like an anti-social loner at a conference.
My thoughts exactly! I loved your comment. I think the idea is to feel good and comfortable in this world with all its questions and expectations, and just be ourselves in any situation.
I also tend to ask this question and as a polymath/ multipotentiate myself I tend to take a few seconds before I answer it myself. But I ask questions because I’m genuinely curious and it’s my responsibility not to judge because the more open I am the more interesting life gets and the closer and deeper connections I’m able to develop with people.
When I’m on the other side I constantly remind myself that until I am not judging myself and accepting who I am, fully, the other person’s potential judgement has no power over me. Actually when I approach situationslike this I tend to discover that the people I meet will actually be mostly open minded.
I like to say that “I’ve created a life where I do many things. For example, right now I’m focused on …” and say two or three things. I let them decide which to ask about, or, if there is a pause, I gently take charge and ask what they are having fun pursuing.
I know that they are simply asking the question that will stimulate a conversation, and show they are interested in the human standing before them. It’s both safe (usually!) and effective. So, I don’t answer with an abrupt “Anything I want”- as this stops the flow and would give the impression that I think their interest, and question, is stupid. If we have the ability to multi-perform, we should be able to figure out a simple answer to have ready that will encourage others to want to be with us.
Due to my permanent disability status that prevents me from maintaining a regular *day job* like other people, when asked this question I used to not know what to say. And I used to feel very anxious and frustrated about being asked “what I do.” I DO SO many things, but I don’t regularly earn money from most of my pursuits. It can be awkward when you spend your time engaging in a wide variety of interesting and challenging creative endeavors, but the most regularly recurring money you see appearing in your bank account is due to having a physical disability. I finally got tired of feeling awkward and anxious though. So, these days when asked this question I tell people that I am a Creative Renaissance Person, and that I’m currently working on a variety of projects, in a few different creative mediums. Answering the question this way I am finding that people who aren’t interested in creativity or the arts in any way will reply with something along the lines of, “That’s cool.” And people who are creative themselves, or who are otherwise interested in the arts will ask me to elaborate. I have more fun in conversations with that latter group of questioners.
Hola Emilie, he pensado reflexionado bastante y creo que dar una única respuesta es faltarle el respeto a nuetra naturaleza multipotencial, sin embargo en mi caso creo que he encontrado una etiqueta que es bastante generalista y puede aplicarse a todo lo que hago y a lo que aún no he hecho.
Yo me considero una facilitadora, digamos que mi rol es hacerle mas facil la vida a las personas en todas esas áreas en las que me desenvuelvo, desde el desarrollo personal, el hogar, la comunicacion con los otros, las manualidades, la permacultura, etc, etc, etc. Investigo, profundizo y creo sistemas, metodos o simplemente explico las cosas desde mi mirada sistemica para hacer que sean faciles de entender y aplicar a la vida diaria. Siento que destaco por la manera de explicar y por lo que la gente consigue al comprender de forma sencilla, cualquier cosa que yo explique y con eso pueden mejorar su vida y la de los suyos. Gracias por este espacio!!
I m so glad you wrote about this Emilie…and so many interesting comments to learn from. I would get very uncomfortable saying what I do…ever since I quit the regular techie’s life, with a defined job title in the hierarchy. This post helps me feel better about all the choices I’ve made and continue to make.
Feels great to read this article. Kinda like reading my struggles that I face mentally. I hate to stick my identity to my day job but I often end up sticking to it. However, my aim is get rid of such day jobs to be that multipotentialite doing many projects of my liking yet making money. Thank you Emilie.
Perhaps a default way to respond to this question is…
My current project is serving as an executive in professional development. I help companies like Facebook improve their communication and leadership skills.
“But do you do this for work?”
I make a living teaching mathematics.
“Is it full-time?”
No, I prefer to keep my overhead low and apply my extra time to other projects.
My heart and soul are so happy to have stumbled into this blog post. I also watched the TED talk, I think about 2 or 3 years ago and I also cried upon watching it.
I’m currently figuring out what my next move is, as far as earning income. I’ve definitely struggled with that and have even beaten myself up for it (internally) for not doing what others do in the way they do it (specializing).
What I do know is that I want to serve others in a meaningful way within the arts or creativity.
Thanks for a really useful post. I did a media skills course recently and my answer to “what don’t you like being asked?” was “what do you do?” Since my jobs are quite technical and can’t be easily listed without fairly lengthy explanation (geophysicist / digital publisher) I really like the “I help ____” method, thus:
Hi. I’ve got several projects on at the moment:
– I have a mapping company that helps people understand what lies beneath the subsurface as well as 3D capture of the real world.
– I help surfers and snow sports people find the best places to go
– I’ve been doing this for 25 years and now spend some time inspiring young people to follow their own passions or start their own enterprises.
I help people to break their bad habits,Improve their lifestyle through what I learned .