This cartoon by Zach Weiner is a beautiful response to the 10,000 hour argument and proves that multipotentialites can indeed do many things.
Articles in the category "Work"
Could there be a Multipotentialite Career Revolution Brewing?
How can we adapt current work cultures to embrace the talents of pluralists?
Telling Your Boss about Your Multipotentiality…
Here’s what happened when I asked for that hard conversation — the one about what I want from my job.
How To Keep Things Running Smoothly When Collaborating with a Friend
When my friend and I realized we had some mismatch in our working relationship, our initial enthusiasm turned to frustration. Here’s how we thrashed it out.
So, What Do You Do? A Multipotentialite’s Guide to Introductions
When your work or passions don’t fit in a simple job title, this question can feel like the bane of your existence. But, if you approach it in the right way, it can be an opportunity to connect and even learn more about yourself.
How to Rock a Specialized Field, Multipotentialite Style
If your field of study or work feels suffocating, here are some ways to stay loose and find that interdisciplinary, multipotentialite joy.
How To Brand Yourself as a Multipotentialite in a Way That Makes Sense to Conventional Employers
It can be tough to explain your goals, skills and knowledge in a way that is focused and succinct.
How to Focus When There Is No One Focus
It can be hard to find clarity and manifest your goals when you have hundreds of goals– but it can be done.
The Secret to Finding a Fulfilling Career (or Three)
When choosing a career, it makes more sense focus on the Why than the What or the How.