A multipotentialite is someone who has a lot of different jobs, right? Or rather, if we meet someone with multiple jobs, they must be a multipotentialite, yeah?
A Sneak Peek of My New Book, HOW TO BE EVERYTHING!
Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 9: “Fear, Confidence, and Dealing with People Who Don’t Understand”
Pre-order my book, HOW TO BE EVERYTHING and you’ll get some sweet bonuses (plus my eternal love)
My love letter (and comprehensive guide) to multipotentialites is coming out soon.
“Multipotentialites can’t stick with anything long enough to build successful careers.”
Just kidding! It’s possible to have variety and financial stability at the same time. Here’s how we do it.
2017: The Year of… Rest?
It’s time for some new years goals (or maybe anti-goals?).
Christmas, Friendships and Living in the “In-Betweens”
Multipotentialites often find ourselves floating between different social groups and identities.
Why I’m Moving to Canada
Sometimes you have to make a major life decision for the sake of your creative and emotional wellbeing.
How to Deal with Information Overload, the Multipod Way
Some tips to help you get things done during difficult times.
If you’re having a hard time…
Some thought after Trump’s election.