Yes, it’s possible.
How to Change Your Life with One Small Move
Bored? Stuck? Frustrated?… Let’s dig into what happens when we’re in a rut, and how we get out of it.
Hey, Guess What? We’re Organizing a Multipotentialite Conference in 2019!
The first Everything Conference is happening in September and you are invited.
The Year of Getting Messy, and Four Things I Learned in the Sandbox
Here are a couple of the lessons I learned during my year of “getting messy” in my career and projects.
The Infamous (Anti-)Goal-Setting Post of 2019
Let’s do this. Here are my goals and anti-goals for 2019.
So, You’re a Multipotentialite. Here’s How to Break It To Your Specialist Family.
Is your family super-focused on doing One Thing, and always pushing you towards specializing in your career choices? Here’s how to navigate conversations with your folks about your many interests.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” asked a family member, doubtfully.
And that was enough to utterly deflate me.
What Did Our Community of Multipotentialites Get up to in 2018?
The Puttytribe is a community of hundreds of multipotentialites from around the world. Feast your eyes upon the 148 awesome events and collaborations we got up to in 2018!
How to Recover After a Setback
Do you get surprised when things go wrong, and find it hard to deal when you’re facing a lot of unanticipated obstacles?