Ho ho ho!
‘Tis Emilie here.
Anyone who knows me knows how much I LOVE the holiday season. But it’s not just the cheer and food and music and family and friends. I also like looking back and reflecting on the last twelve months.
I usually publish an annual review on Puttylike–and I’ll be getting to that soon–but this year, I thought it would also be neat to publish an annual review for our community, the Puttytribe.
I went back over the Puttytribe event calendar for 2018, and holy smokes! Have a look at everything we got up to.
All Puttytribe Events in 2018:
January 2018
Special event: Jumpstart January: We tracked our goals throughout the month, participated in regular check-ins, and started our year off with some momentum.
Jan 3: Intro Huddle with Emilie
Jan 3: Business Huddle
Jan 6: Accountability Huddle
Jan 8: The HSH: Highly Sensitive Huddle
Jan 14: Multipotentialite Mixer with Emilie
Jan 16: Coaches Huddle
Jan 17: Intro Huddle
Jan 20: Accountability Huddle
Jan 22: Online Course Creators Huddle
Jan 25: Intro Huddle
Jan 27: The Monthly Writer’s Huddle
Jan 29: Behind the Scenes with The MultiPod Podcast Team
Jan 30: Coaches Huddle
Jan 31: Intro Huddle with Emilie
February 2018
Special event: Puttycomps Collaboration: we created a small book of love poems dedicated to our favourite interests, people, places, passions, hobbies… ANYTHING!
Feb 3: Accountability Huddle
Feb 7: The Project Clarity and Momentum Huddle
Feb 11: Multipotentialite Mixer with Emilie
Feb 12: The HSH: Highly Sensitive Huddle
Feb 14: Intro Huddle with Emilie
Feb 16: ADHD Superpowers Huddle
Feb 17: Accountability Huddle
Feb 18: The Monthly Writer’s Huddle
Feb 21: Intro Huddle
Feb 26: Puttytribe Open Write-In
Feb 26: Intro Huddle
March 2018
Special event: Puttython! Puttythons are 24 hour events where set time aside to work on our multipotentialite projects. We have check-in huddles every 8 hours and a show and tell at the end of the 24 hours. It looked a little something like this:

March 1: Workshop: Building Your Poem from Scratch – Tools to Express Yourself Through Poetry
March 3: Accountability Huddle
March 5: Online Course Creators Huddle
March 5: Open Write-In
March 11: Multipotentialite Mixer with Emilie
March 12: The HSH: Highly Sensitive Huddle
March 13: Community Builders Huddle
March 16: Intro Huddle
March 17: Accountability Huddle
March 18: The Monthly Writer’s Huddle
March 19: Puttypeep in Transition Huddle
March 21: Business Huddle
March 22: Intro Huddle
March 24: Puttython: 24 Hours of Fun + Creativity
March 26: Empowering Transitions Huddle
March 27: Coaches Huddle
March 28: Intro Huddle with Emilie
March 31: Accountability Huddle
April 2018
Special event: NaNoWriMo Camper Weekly Co-Working
April 3: NaNoWriMo Camper Co-Work Space
April 4: Business Huddle
April 5: Community Builders Huddle
April 8: Multipotentialite Mixer with Emilie
April 10: NaNoWriMo Camper Co-Work Space
April 13: Intro Huddle with Emilie
April 14: Lexington, Kentucky In-Person Meetup
April 16: NaNoWriMo Camper Check-In Huddle
April 19: Intro Huddle
April 20: Intro Huddle
April 21: Accountability Huddle
April 26: Death Cafe Huddle
April 27: Intro Huddle with Emilie
May 2018
Exciting Puttytribe development: we launched our accountability matchmaking system and began pairing people up with their accountability buddies and groups.
May 1: NaNoWriMo Camper Final Show Off Huddle
May 5: Accountability Huddle
May 5: The Green Room Huddle Series, 1st Dress Rehearsal
May 6: Multipotentialite Mixer with Emilie
May 9: Intro Huddle
May 10: Intro Huddle
May 19: Accountability Huddle
May 23: Intro Huddle with Emilie
May 24: Community Builders Huddle
June 2018
Special event: The Minimalist Challenge” we took a multipotentialite-friendly approach to minimalism and thoughtfully cleared some things from our lives in order to make room for new projects, directions, and goals.
June 2: Accountability Huddle
June 3: Multipotentialite Mixer with Emilie
June 8: Intro Huddle
June 9: The Things and People Minimalist Challenge
June 14: Community Builders Huddle
June 16: Accountability Huddle
June 18: Meditation and More for International Yoga Day
June 21: Intro Huddle
June 22: Intro Huddle with Emilie
June 22: Death Cafe Huddle
June 30: Accountability Huddle
Intro huddles look a little something like this:

July 2018
Special event: Jumpstart July: we tracked our goals for some extra mid-year momentum on our projects.
July 1: Multipotentialite Mixer with Emilie
July 2: Ask Me Anything, Pierre Edition
July 6: Intro Huddle
July 7: Poetry Reading! (from Puttycomps Vol. II)
July 11: Intro Huddle with Emilie
July 13: Quiet Co-Working
July 14: Accountability Huddle
July 16: Mindfulness Huddle
July 18: Death Cafe Huddle
July 19: Intro Huddle
July 28: Accountability Huddle
July 29: Multipotentialite Mixer with Emilie
August 2018
Special event: Love Our Lurkers Week: we celebrated some of our quieter members in the community to help them feel as welcome and comfortable as possible.
Aug 2: Intro Huddle
Aug 5: Blog-O-Rama!
Aug 11: Accountability Huddle
Aug 13-19: Love Our Lurkers Week
Aug 13: Mindfulness Huddle
Aug 13: Love Our Lurkers Week Chat: Community-Building Edition
Aug 17: Intro Huddle with Emilie
Aug 17: Death Cafe Huddle
Aug 17: Music Creators Huddle
Aug 17: Intro Huddle
Aug 25: Accountability Huddle
Aug 26: Multipotentialite Mixer with Emilie
Aug 31: Intro Huddle
September 2018
Special event: Puttycomps Collaboration: we created a mix tape of original songs based on the theme “curiosity.”
Sept 4: Blog-O-Rama!
Sept 6: Music Creators Huddle
Sept 6: Community Builders Huddle
Sept 8: Accountability Huddle
Sept 13: Intro Huddle with Emilie
Sept 14: Intro Huddle
Sept 15: Face-to-Face Puttypeep Meetup in Stockholm, Sweden
Sept 15: Puttycomps Workshop: Music Making for Beginners/Everyone
Sept 17: Intermediate Huddle
Sept 21: Death Cafe Huddle
Sept 22: Accountability Huddle
Sept 23: Multipotentialite Mixer with Emilie
Sept 27: Intro Huddle
October 2018
Exciting Puttytribe development: we launched our member directory, which was developed by some lovely, generous puttypeep. It allows members to view each other on a map so that you can get together with people in your area or meet up with other puttypeep when you’re traveling.

Special event: Our second Puttython of the year. Puttythons are 24 hour events where set time aside to work on our multipotentialite projects. We have check-in huddles every 8 hours and a show and tell at the end of the 24 hours.
Oct 5: Intro Huddle with Emilie
Oct 6: Accountability Huddle
Oct 9: Blog-O-Rama!
Oct 15: Career Change Huddle
Oct 19: Intro Huddle
Oct 20: Accountability Huddle
Oct 21: Multipotentialite Mixer with Emilie
Oct 24: Community Builders Huddle
Oct 26: Intro Huddle
Oct 27-28: Puttython: 24 Hours of Fun + Creativity
Oct 31: Death Cafe Huddle
November 2018
Nov 2: Intro Huddle with Emilie
Nov 3: Accountability Huddle
Nov 3: Puttytribe Boston Party
Nov 5: Blog-O-Rama!
Nov 7: Business Huddle
Nov 18: Multipotentialite Mixer with Emilie
Nov 19: Community Builders Huddle
Nov 20: Intermediate Huddle
Nov 21: Intro Huddle
Nov 23: Silent Co-Working
Nov 24: Accountability Huddle
Nov 30: Death Cafe Huddle
Nov 30: Intro Huddle
December 2018
Special event: Puttytribe Secret Santa
Dec 3: Blog-O-Rama!
Dec 4: Intro Huddle with Emilie
Dec 8: Accountability Huddle
Dec 12: Business Huddle
Dec 12: Silent Co-Working
Dec 16: Multipotentialite Mixer with Emilie
Dec 19: Intro Huddle
Dec 19: Business Huddle
Dec 22: Accountability Huddle
Dec 26: Business Huddle
That’s a total of 148 Puttytribe events in 2018.
And that doesn’t include the 19,382 forum posts that were made in the Puttytribe in 2018!
4,254 of these posts were new forum threads, and the others were replies. (As a side note, I knew we had an active community but I nearly fell off my chair when Joel sent me these stats.)
All to say that there are so many ways to get involved in the Tribe. Many people come to the video calls, but some people only attend a handful of live events and prefer to connect with other multipods in our (very active) forum.
How the Puttytribe Changed in 2018
Now for a more qualitative analysis…
The Puttytribe grew by a couple hundred members in 2018, which felt really organic and comfortable. We now have over 600 members, many of whom got involved in bigger ways over the last 12 months, be it through organizing events, helping us improve the infrastructure of the site, or just by offering their wisdom, experience, and advice to fellow puttypeep in the forum and in huddles.
It feels like the Puttyteam really hit our stride, too. We did a great job of supporting members who had ideas or initiatives they wanted to pursue in the community. I really see that as our role: to empower and foster growth and connection between multipotentialites. When that’s happening, I feel like we’re succeeding.
What it means to me, personally…
On a personal level, I got to meet and brainstorm with so many new, inspiring multipods. I made a bunch of new friends. And I got to see so many projects come to light! That is my favourite.
I see the Puttytribe as maybe the most meaningful project I’m involved in. I launched the community back in 2012, and even though we continue growing year after year, the place keeps feeling more like a tight-knit family.
To all of the puttypeep who took part in (or even quietly observed–cause we love our lurkers, too!) the Puttytribe activities this past year, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making 2018 an astoundingly awesome year. I hope you have a very magical holiday season and I can’t wait to connect and collaborate more with you in 2019.
And if you aren’t yet a member of the Puttytribe, but feel like you would benefit from a supportive community of other multipotentialites:
Sending so much love and cheer your way.
Your pal and fellow multipotentialite,
Wow. This is epic!! So many events. And I’m so proud to be part of the Tribe 🙂
<3 Thanks for being a part of it!