How do you teach a child that they can be, not only anything they want to be, but everything?
Articles tagged "childhood"
Meeting a New Family Member
I’m driving to Astoria, Oregon to meet my new puppy today.
Is Your Career Path Determined By a High School Kid?
Not only is it ridiculous to expect 13-year-olds to have any real concept of what they want to do for the rest of their lives, it’s also unfair to make them choose a single thing to work towards at the expense of developing other areas of interest.
Your Parents and Your Multipotentiality
Are your parents, who disapprove of your many pursuits, secretly also multipotentialites? Do they know it?
The Myth of the “True Calling”
Asking kids to define their “one true calling” implies that there’s something wrong with having multiple callings.
Conformity Begins on the Playground
What I learned from being bullied as a kid.