As an adult, exploring your interests—especially the ones you “aren’t good at”—is a radical act.
Articles in the category "Confidence"
Confidence Archive
Fearful About An Event On The Horizon? Tips from an Anxious Comedian
Upcoming Events… Presentations… Interviews… Here are some ways to work with the anxiety.
How to Deal with Negative Critiques of Your Art
Here are some tips to help you deal with negative criticism of your very personal work.
Six Lessons from Writing the Book I Swore I Wouldn’t Write
“Never again.” –Neil Hughes, after writing a book
How to Deal with Multipotentialite FOMO
What happens when you’re a multi-passionate person who’s got a “Hell yes!” for everything? Here’s how to deal with that dreadful FOMO.
“The slightest reminder of paths not travelled can be agonizing”
Do you ever find yourself imagining how things would have gone if you just changed one little past decision? Here’s how to grapple with (& defeat) regret.
The Reluctant Multipotentialite: What to Do When You Feel Like a Master of None
Ever get the feeling that you’re running out of time, you have to pick one thing, and it better be the right thing? Here’s how to deal with that self-doubt.
Why You Should Do Something Badly Today!
Are you a multipotentialite AND a perfectionist? if so, this one’s for you.
A Simple Trick to Sidestep Your Self-Criticism
Afraid you’ll never be original, or as much of an expert as you *should* be? Here’s a fun way to see the irrationality in your criticism and dance around it.