A traditional vacation is not the only way to take a break. For multipotentialites, a staycation might be the perfect way to rest & recharge!
Multipotentialite Mentorship Changes Lives. Are You Ready to Step Up?
We all have significant people in our multipotentialite journey—those who have supported us, helped us grow and nurtured us to our full potential. As multipotentialites, it is our responsibility to nurture other multipotentialites as they discover their challenges and superpowers. Here’s how.
Summer Solstice Wants You to Treat Yourself
As multipotentialites, we spend a lot of time focused outside of ourselves. Keeping track of our goals and projects is basically it’s own full-time gig! On the longest day of the year, make sure you carve out a few hours to put yourself first.
The Joyful Intersections of Multipotentiality & Neurodivergence
Much has been written about the struggles and challenges that come with being neurodivergent. But what about the positive and joyful aspects? Here’s one: I have come to recognize that many of my autistic traits overlap with the characteristics that make me a multipotentialite.
When Your Difference is Your Superpower
The parts of who we are that society tries to shame and diminish us for can be a huge source of strength, inspiration and—yes—even power. What are yours?
How I Held Myself Together When My Multipotentialite Life Fell Apart
Multipods pack our schedules with activities, hobbies and social connections. Because we’re so busy (and we like it that way), personal or professional setback can seem to push our delicately balanced lives right over the edge. Here’s what I did when I found myself in a life so limited I could barely recognize it—or myself.
The Power of Seeking Your Singular “Why”
Even as multipotentialites come to appreciate the way we’re wired, we might still yearn for something to tie our lives together: a single overarching element that connects our seemingly disparate pursuits. Here’s why looking for that thread is worth it—even if you never quite find it.
Ready to Escape the Working World? Do This First!
If self-employment is calling to you, it’s important to get clarity about why that’s the case and how you’d like to respond. If it’s time to go, here’s how to make a detailed plan to make your entrepreneurship dreams a reality.
Our Definition of Success Needs to Shift
Judging the success or failure of a project almost exclusively by the end results can’t reflect the totality of our experiences or the diversity of our goals. It also doesn’t account for social and structural inequalities. So, when is a failure not a failure?