A lot of people ask me whether they need a niche for their business.
“Choose a niche” is popular advice these days, and easy advice to dispense. Unfortunately, it’s not very helpful for those of us who have multiple passions and can’t see ourselves focusing solely on one area.
It’s true that there are some multipotentialites who enjoy building and running multiple niche businesses. But many others struggle with the challenge of splitting up our time and focus.
So if you’re interested in starting a business, what do you do? Do you build a narrow business because that’s supposedly what works, and then shut it down or re-brand when you become interested in something new? Sounds unsustainable to me…
This problem is what prompted me to create the Renaissance Business guide a few years back. It’s also what’s prompting me to now create something new…
Introducing the Overarching Theme Kit
The Overarching Theme Kit is a short PDF that will give you a quick boost to help you get closer to finding your overarching theme. It includes exercises that I do with my coaching students and that I’ve never written about on the blog before.
I’ve just seen so many people struggling with this issue, and I wanted to put something out there that will provide you with some guidance as you do the hard work of combining your passions. It’s obviously not as comprehensive as Renaissance Business, but think of it as a comprehensive cheat sheet.
What is an overarching theme anyway?
An overarching theme is the core philosophy or concept that brings the various subjects in your business together. It’s what makes your business feel cohesive so that it makes sense to potential customers.
Without an overarching theme, your business will likely seem scattered and confusing. Here are some examples to give you an idea of what I mean. I put what I believe their overarching themes to be in parenthesize:
- Brain Pickings (how to live a good life)
- The Art of Non-Conformity (unconventional living)
- Nerd Fitness (a smoosh of fitness and nerd culture)
- Freakonomics (the hidden side of everything)
- Pikaland (possibility)
All of these overarching themes make it possible for the owner/writer to discuss a multitude of different topics.
In The Overarching Theme Kit you will learn:
- Why traditional business models don’t work for some multipotentialites
- What alternatives exist to the niche business
- The pitfall of Renaissance Businesses and how to avoid it
- 3 approaches to finding your overarching theme
- Specific exercises to help you generate ideas for your overarching theme
- Lots of case studies and examples
Download the Kit
Click here to download the Overarching Theme Kit.

Doing/being/exploring ALL THE THINGS is easier with a community!

Did you know we have a private community of hundreds of multipotentialites from around the world? We support each other, share advice and cheer each other on as we building lives and career around ALL our passions.
Learn more about the Puttyverse and get notified next time we open the doors:
Just wanna say I love your site and ideas!!
LOVE this, Emilie! I’d love to get my hands on the PDF – somehow I missed it when I signed up for your listy-list over the summer. Any way you can send it to me, pretty please with sugar on top?
Hi Emilie,
I saw your awesome TED talk this week – what a revelation! So happy to have found you and your blog and community!!
I’m also having trouble finding the PDF, though – it wasn’t in your welcome email and the links on the site aren’t working. I’d love to get started!
Thank you!
Thanks, Catherine! I just tweaked the code. I think I know what the problem was. Mind giving it another try?
Hello, is the PDF still available somehow? I couldnt figure out where we were supposed to enter our details. Many thanks for your blog, i’m so glad I found it, even if i’m a little late to the party it seems…
Hey Nonya,
Do you not see the form at the bottom of the post? Maybe try a different browser. If you still can’t see it, shoot me an email at emilie@puttylike.com and I’ll send you the PDF.
Hi Emilie, I am also having trouble find the PDF and tried a few different browsers. I just learned about your website and just watched your TED Talk. It truly resonates and I am very happy to have stumbled upon all of it. Let me know how I can find the PDF. Many thanks!
Hi Debbie,
I changed up the way the OTK is delivered. Now you should see a link instead of a form (which apparently you didn’t see anyway. 🙂 Hopefully this will work better. Let me know if you still can’t opt in.
Hi Emilie,
I’m from Mexico and I have just found your TEDx Talk. It is hard to explain in a few words what have you made me felt, since I have been looking for answers myself for whatever was “wrong” with me and you have implanted a very interesting idea and the knowledge I’ve been looking for, I literally have not enough words to say Thank You.
I have now suscribed to your mailing list and I am willing to read everything about it. I would feel honored if I can be part of this community and even more if I could work with you someday.
I also would like to have said PDF if it is still available.
Thanks again for helping us open our understanding wider than we thought it was possible.