Okay guys… I have news.
So you know all the stuff we’ve been discussing– finding an overarching theme for your business? Mushing together unrelated interests to create a unique offering that no one (not even some niched-down specialist) can compete with?
Well, for the last eight months, I’ve been working one-on-one with multipotentialites to find ways of combining their interests and building communities that focus on many topics, yet still feel cohesive.
When you turn all your interests into one business, you not only remain true to your scanner nature, but you actually use your multipotentiality to fuel your business.
You can do it too
At first, I thought my ability to find connections between unrelated ideas was just something I intuitively knew how to do. But it turns out this process can actually be taught and brought out in others.
And so, after months of reverse engineering my process and then testing and tweaking it with my students, I have created a system that will allow any scanner to turn their many interests into one business. This system’s completely reproducible too.
Introducing Renaissance Business
I’ve spent the last few months slaving away over this thing and several of you have asked about it. And so, without further ado, it’s finally time to announce the book publicly…
Renaissance Business goes through the entire process of building a digital business around your interests. We start by getting all your interests, talents and budding curiosities out on paper. Then we find ways of linking them together, hunt for patterns and group together odd pairings to create one strong overarching theme.
After we’ve got your theme down, we work on how best to communicate that theme with an addictive title, tagline and design. Then we get into the more technical stuff, where I break down how to actually build your WordPress site. I include a launch checklist, so you know exactly what to do on launch day. We also discuss specific strategies for growing your community and coming up with product and service ideas.
Basically it covers the whole process from start to finish, in great detail. Oh and I made sure to throw in some motivational riffs to help you tackle the fears that arise.
Renaissance Business sort of feels like my child… I’m really proud of it. And on Sept 27, I’ll be sending her out into the world.
The Release Date: Sept 27, 2011
The official release of Renaissance Business is Sept 27, 2011 (it coincides with Puttylike’s 1st birthday!) However, I will be releasing the book to members of the puttytribe one week earlier, along with a very friendly discount.
The Puttytribe will also get additional goodies throughout the month of September: free chapters, contests, etc. I can’t give it all away now, but trust me, it’s going to be rad.
Subscribe to the newsletter for an early release, crazy discount, goodies, contests and more
If you’re not subscribed to our newsletter, you definitely want to join.
Weeeee! So excited! Thanks multipods, for all the support and for pushing me to write this beautiful monster. I have a feeling you’re really going to love it.
xo Emilie
Renaissance Business is now available here!
Emilie- Let me be the first to say… Congratulations! You have such a wonderful and unique voice. Puttylike rocks, and I’m sure your book is going to be dynamite. I can’t wait to read it!
Thanks, Ethan! Your wisdom and support have been invaluable. So glad we’re pals!
You’re book sounds awesome. It sounds like you’re really coming up with some unique ideas here. Can’t wait to to read it! Congrats girl! 🙂
Thanks so much, Denise!
I really wanted this book to be different from all the other “blog-building” products out there. I think I accomplished that with the specifically multipotentialite focus. Also, it’s funny because the book itself is a mush of many of my own interests: teaching, business, marketing, web design, personal development. All those things went into it. So yeah, it was really fun to write. 🙂
Really really excited for you and your readers!
Thanks Bridget! And we absolutely must get together for that coffee once things have settled down.
Ack! So excited for this! I signed up for the newsletter a few months ago and never got it tho :/ Anyways, congrats! I’m 6 pages and a bibliography away from the end of my thesis (asides from the whole defence part of it). Kind of feels like my child too haha
but yes, ultra excited for you and the book! Congrats!!
Oh no! Did you get the confirmation email when you signed up? Shoot me an email (emilie@puttylike.com) if things don’t get sorted out, cause you’re missing some good stuff!
Thanks Eliza, and OMG CONGRATS!!!!
How long is your thesis by the way? I’m curious because when I finished my book, I actually wondered if it was thesis length.
But yeah, congrats again! Huge accomplishment!!
Will do on the email! As for the thesis mine is about 70 pages of written content with 30 odd pages of annexed interviews and visual content 🙂
but thanks! I’m writting it in French too, so it’s been a lonnng process haha
Congratulations and best wishes for your upcoming launch–it sounds great!
Thanks Cara! We should talk sometime too– that’s well overdue. Maybe once things calm down a little. 🙂
Congrats Emilie!! Your book & launch plans both sound awesome! =)
Hey C.C.!
Thanks! 😀
Congratulations darling, I know that it will be shit hot xoxo
Aw you’re so sweet, thank you.
Congratulations Emilie. Sounds like a great, timely concept for a book, and you’re the perfect person to write it!
Thanks Jacci! Appreciate it.
Rock on Emilie! I mentioned on twitter that I just recently came across your work, and I have been working through some of your old posts. Seems now I have a book to pick up.
Cool, thanks Mike! Super nice to meet you too.
Emilie, you inspire me. 🙂 I just wanted to leave a quick note to say that I love what you’re creating in the world and I am SO excited for you! Can’t wait to read the book! xoxo
Aw Stephenie,you’re too kind! Thanks for the boost and encouragement.
By the way, I really dig the energy and positivity on your site. Great stuff! 🙂
Congrats on this…. Stoked for you.
I really love the message you push… I hate when people try and say you cant be many things…. I am a musician a surfer a podcaster a marketer a brand specialist a product developer a social mediaist….
All to make 1 AWESOME life….
Benjamin Franklin Style!
Surfs up,
p.s. If you are sending out any promos of your book, I would love to check it out and maybe I can even record a skype chat about it for your launch!
Absolutely! Shoot me an email and we’ll figure it out.
I really want to get the word out, because I think this book could help people in other online communities too. I mean, multipotentialites are everywhere.
And hells yea! Musician, surfer, podcaster, marketer, etc.. Love it. I’ll have to check out your podcast sometime.
Was Ben Franklin a surfer? 😛 (just kidding.. Heh.)
Thanks Sal!
Eek, I am so excited for you, because I know your advice works:)
Ah thanks, Holli. I’m excited to show everyone just how right you are through a certain case study. 🙂
awesome Emilie! I knew you were writing something.. and this sounds GREAT! I love the title. It definitely makes me want to hear more. I like “renaissance” business. And the idea of the renaissance man.
Cool. I fretted over the title/tagline for a while, but in the end I’m really happy with it. I especially like Renaissance Business because of the multiple meanings. Even to someone who doesn’t know about multipotentiality, it could mean like a “rebirth” of business, which is appropriate since it’s about digital business, web 2.0, permission marketing, etc.
So yeah… Thanks!!
Hi Emilie,
This comes at a perfect time since I am developing a business around a mixture of my interests. I didn’t even know of the word multipotentialite before discovering Puttylike recently. Now, thanks to you, I have a word to describe myself 🙂
Can’t wait to read the book!!!
Hi Brandon,
That’s great! I think you’ll find it really useful, and I can’t wait to hear more about your business.
Oh and welcome to the community! Lots of multipotentialites around these parts. 🙂
Congratulations and can’t wait to buy it. Thanks for putting the book together for the community. I hope to get some coaching with you very soon
Yours in Renaissance,
Thanks so much, Tracey. You’re great!
That’s great ! For sure it will be a very very good book about a very very good subject.
😀 Thank ya!
Yay! *Starts lining up at the bookshop door*
Heh heh. 🙂
p.s. I love the overarching theme of your site, Allison. “Stuff that zings”. It’s great.
Read the first chapter — and you’re ON to something Emilie 🙂
Looking forward to the 27th (or earlier).