Help! I’m an academic who’s been invited to pursue a PhD, but my interests and talents are too wide-ranging and diffuse. I have no idea how to start narrowing down an area of focus for my doctorate.
Articles in the category "Education"
Dear Puttylike: Should I Quit Pursuing My Degree?
A multipotentialite graduate student has been feeling bored by their course of study, and there’s no end in sight! Is quitting an option?
The Simple Joy of Being Awful at Something
“I’m sure it’s not that bad,” a friend says when I say my poetry is awful. I appreciate it. But why are we so afraid of being bad at things in the first place?
Mapping the Mind of a Teen Multipotentialite
Bo Grove is a multipotentialite teenager whose TED talk is an amazing testament to learning and the value of failing. We asked him about his fascinating brain.
Multipotentialite Magic Happens Here: Why You Should Head to the Library Right Now
For a lot of multipotentialites, libraries are heaven on earth. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your magical library time.
When Learning Gets Hard…is it Time to Quit?
Here’s my 80/20 for mutipotentialites: mastering a skill up to 80% ability takes about 20% of the effort.
Why Multipotentialites Rarely Start from Scratch
The super power of applying concepts and techniques to other areas.
A Rant on the State of Education
“I dove in with such vigor, only to be met with a very slow-paced, rote teaching style.”
4 Skills that will Dramatically Increase Your Chance of Thriving as a Multipotentialite
Self-directedness, comfort with discomfort, pattern-spotting and self-knowledge are four cognitive and emotional skills that can dramatically increase your ability to thrive as a multipod.