Some reflections on failed dreams and how not to let your dreams flop or fizzle out.
How Physics! Can Help You Find the Perfect Work-Life Balance
I approach work-life balance as any physicist might: with some sine waves and a thought exercise.
Are You a Playaholic?
A lifestyle of leisure isn’t a bad thing, but what about when the balance is so skewed that you’d do just about anything but work?
When Prospective Employers Want Your Full Attention… And Also Your Soul?!
What to do when you have other interests but also need the job?
How to Change Your Life with One Small Move
Bored? Stuck? Frustrated?… Let’s dig into what happens when we’re in a rut, and how we get out of it.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” asked a family member, doubtfully.
And that was enough to utterly deflate me.
How to Recover After a Setback
Do you get surprised when things go wrong, and find it hard to deal when you’re facing a lot of unanticipated obstacles?
What If You’re the Only One?
Lots of us seem to be feeling that we’re on a team of one.
How to Make a Difference When the World’s Problems Seem So Big
Accepting the sheer impossibility of fixing everything is the only way we can start fixing anything.