Do you have a passion that you return to from time to time?
The Myth of the “True Calling”
Asking kids to define their “one true calling” implies that there’s something wrong with having multiple callings.
The Common Languages of Blogging, Music and Multipotentiality
NBD. Just playing a violin duet with a new blogger friend of mine.
Renaissance Business is Here!
Renaissance Business is a handbook (the handbook) for anyone looking to turn ALL of their interests into one business.
Puttylike, 1 Year Later: A Book Launch and a Birthday Sale
Creating Puttylike wasn’t just about sharing a message with the world or building a business. It was also personal– it was about reassuring myself that there were others out there like me and that I’d be okay pursuing all my passions.
It’s Cool to Be a Geek! How Rami Smooshed Together his Interests in Video Games and Dating
This is a story about turning your own struggles into a platform to help others. It’s about being proud of who you are and featuring the things that make you unique.
Renaissance Biz Case Study: Bringing Together Family, Natural Health and Photography + What Makes a Good Name?
Holli Margell is s a proud homemaker, mom, health and food lover, photographer, and lifelong learner. Would it be possible to find an overarching theme that represents all of her interests?
Why Some Brands Are Addictive and Others are a Little Embarrassing
Most people think of branding as the “face” of a company. But effective branding goes a lot deeper.
Renaissance Business Case Study: the Web Designer, Filmmaker, Entrepreneur, Activist
This is how I helped Brian combine his interests to create a single, multifaceted business.