Multipotentialites have the huge advantage of the unconventional approach.
Hey Puttypeep, I’ve Got a Challenge for You…
You can turn even a mediocre day into an awesome one, by doing this.
You Are Not Broken
Trust yourself. Do not trust the “experts” who tell you to deny who you are, by choosing one facet of your personality and suppressing the rest.
Dealing with the Loss of Control
Instead of focusing on other peoples’ reactions, or even seeking reassurance from your loved ones, go do something that makes you feel empowered.
My New Obsession, and Why We Crave Community and Movements
How have you experienced movements and communities? Do some labels feel more open to you than others?
How to Interpret Silence from Your Audience
“They must be so repulsed by my words that they are speechless,” I would irrationally declare to myself slumping deep into my chair with a throbbing head. “Perhaps I’ll just give up this writing thing.”
Meeting a New Family Member
I’m driving to Astoria, Oregon to meet my new puppy today.
The Relationship Between Multipotentiality and Education
Learning is second nature to us. We become hungry for information and dive deep into new subjects, many of which appear totally random.
Contest Time! Win a Lifetime Membership to the Puttytribe
We’re giving away 2 free lifetime memberships to the Puttytribe. That means that if you get picked, you’ll have free access to the Tribe for as long as it exists. Pretty sweet.