The puttypeep share their experiences in the Puttytribe community, and you want to hear what they have to say.
What If You’re the Only One?
Lots of us seem to be feeling that we’re on a team of one.
Now What? How to Cope With “Post-Project Depression”
When you spend years working toward a huge stretch goal, you celebrate big once you reach it—but what if after the hoopla, you feel tired and burnt out?
How to Use “The Immersive Approach” to Make Big Progress on a Project
Are you struggling to make headway on your projects? Maybe you need to take a dive!
How to Make a Difference When the World’s Problems Seem So Big
Accepting the sheer impossibility of fixing everything is the only way we can start fixing anything.
My New Course on Building a Multipotentialite-Friendly Career is Out Today!
Work Your Work! is a self-paced course that will help you figure out how to turn your MANY passions into a career you love.
Announcing a New Course on Building a Multipotentialite-Friendly Career!
Are you one of those multipotentialites who’s super proud to be a multipod, but hasn’t quite figured out how to make it work in a real, practical, financially sustainable, way?
How to Find a Role Model as a Multipotentialite
When your career is a Frankensteinian hodgepodge of roles, finding the perfect role model can be confounding.
My Experience with Chronic Illness
I don’t really like talking about my health problems, but since our brave Puttyverse members have opened up about their experiences—and part of me actually really wants to share with you—let’s go there.