Most people struggle at certain points in their lives, with being asked what they want to do or what they want to be. As teenagers, we get used to fending off questions from well-meaning friends and family about the career we want to pursue.
But for multipotentialites, the struggle doesn’t stop once we get our first jobs. Time and time again, strangers, friends, and colleagues tilt their heads to one side, look at us, confused, and ask us once again to explain what exactly it is that we do.
I’m traveling around Europe at the moment, seeing new places and visiting old friends. It’s exciting seeing how everyone has and hasn’t changed over the years, but I keep finding myself dreading that “So what do you do these days?” question.
How do I explain to them that, since I last saw them, I’ve completed my first degree in French, German, and Slovenian, completed a second degree in sociolinguistics, worked in event management, been a seminar teacher, helped my dad start a weight management business, interned as an education worker, worked as a support worker, freelanced as an illustrator, and who knows what else?
Oh, and that I now do none of those things and instead work as a content coordinator and run my own website, helping shy girls become confident? How do I explain all of that without sounding like I’ve lost it?
The solution: come out about being a multipotentialite
While it is important to be able to summarize what you do with an elevator pitch, sometimes that’s not enough. If you haven’t yet figured out your overarching theme, or if you’re just spinning a lot more plates than normal, it might be the time to come out about your multipotentiality.
If you can get your confused relative to understand that you like trying different things and that having lots of projects on the go at the same time is who you are, maybe you won’t have to justify your love of crocheting or your newfound sushi-making addiction. And maybe next time, instead of asking what you do, the person you come out to might ask what you’re working on.
So, how do you explain that you’re a multipotentialite? We’ve had many discussions about this in our global community of multipotentialites, the Puttyverse. Here are the best tips we came up with.
9 Ways to explain your multipotentiality to non-multipotentialites
1. Spread the word
If we want our multipotentiality to be accepted and celebrated, we mustn’t hide it. Those of us who are confident in the value of pluralism must make the decision to help others see that the world needs generalists as well as specialists.
We can do this by being open about our multiple interests when we meet new people, in interviews, and in everyday conversation. Instead of keeping quiet about our latest projects and obsessions, we can share them. Online, we can share Puttylike and other pro-multipotentialite articles to our friends, families, and colleagues, using social media.
2. Pick your words carefully
Jon Knepper uses language to reveal his multipotentiality:
“I also think people get an idea that my interests range/I do a lot based on the terminology I use – I’m always exploring, dabbling, etc.”
Jonathon Knepper
By using verbs such as “exploring”, “dabbling”, and “dipping into”, and the continuous present tense (“I am studying hieroglyphics” rather than “I study hieroglyphics”), we can imply that our interests are temporary rather than permanent parts of who we are.
Emma McCreary suggests using a label you’re comfortable with. For her, that’s “deep generalist”. For you it might be “multipotentialite”, “generalist”, “renaissance person”, “polymath”, or “scanner”. Ensure you pick one which you feel conveys who you are and which you think your non-multipotentialite friend will understand.
3. Tailor your approach
As a multipotentialite, you know that a one-size-fits-all approach isn’t going to work. Try to relate your interests to those of the person you’re talking to or focus on a benefit of multipotentiality which you know the person you’re talking to will appreciate.
For example, if you were being interviewed for a position at a small business, you could explain that being interested in many different topics means you’d be happy to take on tasks outside of your main area of focus. If you were being interviewed for a position in a large organization, you might stress that your dabbling in design means you’ll be better able to communicate with the design department.
4. Explain the benefits
Just as businesses should promote the benefits rather than the features of their products (“With this course, you’ll learn how to relax” rather than “With this course, you’ll get an audiobook and access to a private forum”), multipotentialites should explain why multipotentiality is good rather than just what it is.
To get you started, here are some articles on the benefits of multipotentiality:
- The 7 Multipotentialite Super Powers
- Why Multipotentialites are Attractive
- Why the Multipotentialite Mindset Makes Sense from an Economics and Philosophy Perspective
- How To Fight Aging By Being a Multipotentialite
5. Use concrete examples
Illustrate your explanation with examples and stories to make multipotentiality less abstract. Talk about the time you put on a French play and the week you did nothing but decorate cupcakes.
6. Be confident
“Enthusiasm and confidence and having a completely doubt-free relationship with your own multipotentiality goes a long way.”
Emma McCreary
If you value multipotentiality, you’ll be in a better position to persuade others that it’s a positive trait and that society needs both specialists and generalists. Don’t apologize for your multipotentiality; be proud of it.
7. Use your overarching theme
Explain the patterns and themes in your multipotentiality instead of on the individual interests you have. Rather than talk about your love of rock climbing, website design, and orienteering, talk about how you love to challenge yourself.
8. Don’t be negative about non-multipotentialites
If multipotentialites are to be accepted, we need to be making friends, not enemies. Recognize that society needs both generalists and specialists, and that neither type of person is better than the other. Make sure your specialist friends feel appreciated and don’t think you’re boasting.
9. Pick your friends
If your attempts to explain multipotentiality are consistently met with scornful looks and misunderstandings, it may be that you need to surround yourself with more open and understanding people. Obviously this approach is not a replacement for education, but if you’re craving acceptance, this might be a healthy option for you.
Hopefully these pointers have given you some ideas on how you might broach the topic of multipotentiality in future. Thanks to all of the great puttypeep in the ‘verse who contributed to the discussion.
Your Turn
How do you explain multipotentiality? Do you have any tricks that you’d like to share?

Doing/being/exploring ALL THE THINGS is easier with a community!

Did you know we have a private community of hundreds of multipotentialites from around the world? We support each other, share advice and cheer each other on as we building lives and career around ALL our passions.
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For language, I tend to use “I’m currently…,” as in “I’m currently working as a project manager.”
I like that a lot. Such a simple word, but goes a long way to indicate that everything is temporary in a multipassionate‘s life. Thank you!
So simple but effective! Just a little tweak in the language you use can completely change what you say and how people understand it.
These are so helpful… I especially love #4!
Pick your words carefully…After reading my Linked In homepage description which listed things that didn’t pertain much to my employer’s company, my boss gave me a good talking to. Rather than reword to corporate/company standards I just chose leave it blank for now. Don’t think they value Multipotentiality.
Can’t wait to put in what I really do!
Clint, I empathize with your experience. Luckily my supervisor is very supportive. The rest of my workplace doesn’t “get” me, however. (I’m a white person working in a native american tribal government and that adds an extra layer of complication.) I tend to generate a lot of ideas at work–many of which are completely outside the scope of my work–and it is soooo hard resisting the urge to share those ideas. When I do, I tend to be perceived, at best, as a snooty self-entitled know-it-all, and, at worst, as a yet another colonizer trying to force my worldview on a people who have their own way of doing things, thank you very much. I used to work for a federal research agency where having lots of ideas was appreciated, so this is an especially difficult clash of workplace values for me. Unfortunately, as a single person (and a homeowner) I really need a steady full time job and this is the best job I could find in the rural area where I live. …sigh…
Hey, awesome post! I have recently written about multipods on my web site. Anyway, I like to use phrases like: “I am very interested in….”, “I also love doing/exploring/playing with……”, “My newest obsession is….”, and I have noticed that people react good to that language. They see you as curious and opened person, rather than inconsistent.
I like saying I’m playing with things! Playing is fun in general 🙂
When I’m asked what I do, I reply “I’m multipassionate. I do a dozen things at once.” Then I mention something I’m currently involved in, such as, “This summer, I’ve been working with autistic kids in an elementary school”
I really respond to your choice of ‘passionate’ as it rings true for me. It’s also easy for others to understand and accept in a positive light. While totally in agreement with the definition of Multipotentialite I’m concerned that others may view it as being superior. Passionate resonates for me. Thank you.
great post. I have made the experience that mostly people find you interesting when you have more balls in the air.
So, I see no issues telling people what I am.
Take care
This post really stimulated my thoughts about the topic.
If I had to put a label on myself, I think “renaissance woman” seems dated, “scanner” or “generalist” seems a bit passive. “Multipotentialite” exudes that I have the potential to do a lot of things but I am actually proficient in a lot of the things that I do – no horn tooting just accounting years of “time wasting”.
So, after some thought – and digging through a thesaurus – I officially label myself as a – drum roll – “poly-proficiencite” lol… or just poly-proficient individual/woman. That’ll do for me.
Thanks for sharing this post, now that I’m done digressing – by taking the time to come up with this label for myself – I have a website design to complete! 😉
poly-proficiencite! That’s a new one. Haha I love it.
Oohh don’t mind if I start using this too! I like the underlying thought of not only scanning a topic/task/hobby, but being proficient at it too!
Dear Jay, absolutely great post! Since I found the meaning of potentialite in the original YouTube Ted talk, I have found purpose and meaning. We may have to credit YouTube in their algorithms for referring that TEDTalk. All my videos have been various videos on learning, super performing, extracting the best of creativity and mindset. So thank you YouTube ?
Terminology is great! ? No doubt all this information will give persons an aha moment. It has for me.
Thank you Poly proficient lady.
How about, “Like Xena, I have many skills…”
Heheh yes!
Due to having a smorgasbord of diverse, and ongoing, major listings, I tend make a note of it in my cover letter:
“With an abiding sense of curiosity, I also developed a broad approach to my studies as a life-long learner…”
I like to say I’m a Jack-of-all-trade. I’m a creative, but I have also a math/logical mind and I have great interest in all fields of science, expecially biology. I work most in the fashion industry, but I have a strong love for theatre and literature. I’m good with software and even mechanical problem of any kind, but I’m not REALLY good in anything.
I have just found out I am one of you and it explains so many things. I am still at the stage where I am unsure about what this means and if I should tell me family and friends because I have always been looking for a place to fit in and feel “normal”, which is funny because there is no such thing as normal. To me my life still seems like a mess and I still tell people. If I see two paths and one has lights and a nice path and the other is dark and you can just see the path. I seem to chose that path every time.
Maybe in time I will be ok with who I am but at this point, I feel I will be judged again.
I always thought this was adult ADHD in its worst form! So awesome to have another label and some allies!
Great points! How do we make sure that it is indeed a genuine strive for knowledge and excitement versus being perceived as the one that does it all but does nothing good or in depth after all? Also sometimes people think we are liars/over selling, how to not shovel those areas of interest down just to avoid justification? Thanks
Hey there.
I love the first point. It seems so like “of course” but it is not. I only now started talking about my various passions and not constantly feel bad about it. I often experienced different reactions on honesty about multiple interests, it varied from “yeah, so you do everything and nothing right” to “I don’t like you anymore beacause you can/do more than me”…But talking about it and don’t feel bad about it really helps. Most of people normally get passionated with you if you show off your passions… like the question: “Which book did you last read..?” And if you talk passionated about the 5 you are reading right now, they like it…. I am a systmic consultant and I work a lot with perspectives as a chance to gain new sights on a problem. So I sort of use it to help others (in B2B) and somehow it fits 🙂
25 yrs prof. experience, always trying to find the thing I’ve not done yet. 2 Fortune 500 companies, state, Federal Government, founded 2 companies, many different industries. MBA finance, 1st 2 yrs med school but disenrolled 7 yrs ago due to too much requirement to only do one thing for too many years. 4 current positions. (1 FT 3 PT).
“I work in finance and operations”. But that question always stumped me “what do you do”. I enjoy my consulting role, as I work with different clients every week in very varied industries, and don’t have to hold back as they can assume my cross-knowledge is just something consultants have. And only my family is aware of all of the pieces. No one at my jobs is aware of the other positions I hold. It would set me to far apart from the others.
Yesterday, I was asked by a recruiter, “So, which role are you looking for? Plant Manager or Director of HR?” I understood her question. My resume has one foot on both sides of that “fence.” If she looked farther into my past she’d see I’ve worked and led successfully in construction, law enforcement, engineering, chemical processing, construction-manufacturing, food manufacturing, financial services, operations, and human resources roles in various military, industrial, and corporate environments. She’d have noticed my MBA doesn’t appear to line up with my BS in Physical Education. I’m so glad she didn’t look back that far…she’d never have called me.
What I told her was, “I have a uniquely varied background and each experience on my resume has in some way led to the leadership and management skill set that has made me successful later on. Because I’m mission-driven, excel at courageous leadership, enjoy the pressure of being tied directly to the value-stream, am great at project and performance management, and love creating high-performance teams with multi-functional groups, I’d generally be best suited in a Plant Manager role…and, in the right circumstances with the right company and culture, I’d be a great Director of HR too!
I hope that cleared things up. We’ll see what happens next!
It was wonderful
After four years of college graduation, I saw all my friends who focused on the work they were interested in and made the way for success, and I constantly ask myself what my own success story is. What am I interested in Why, so far, when I was 25, I did not get the result I wanted, why do any other person with passion and determination define their work, and I have in my mind hundreds of different thoughts and I like to see them all.
I am now a nurse and at the same time a hardware and software engineer and building painter and boxer and lover of the Internet business and at the same time looking for a great way to achieve world renown …
Thank you for having turned on my mind
I would be very happy if you have any comments
After listing what I’m currently doing, the conversation invariably travels to the many things I’m involved in and have done in the past. This always leads me to feel self conscious (as if I’m suggesting I’m some kind of genius) and I can tell the person doesn’t quite know what to make of me so to brush it off I often say playfully, “I still haven’t figured out what I want to be when I grow up!” I’m happy with that. 🙂
As a Physician, Epidemiologist, Published in Scientific journal, Youth mentor, Consultant, Creative Writer, Speaker, Life Coach, Businesses woman, Singer….and what else. I find myself divided on how to introduce myself in various settings. In medicine, people want you to be one thing. I remember in medical school always feeling different and fearing to voice what I thought and how I saw the world (I ran a business for 4 years in medical school by the way). If you aren’t one thing, you are viewed as confused; the more I get this vibe, the more I move away from that group. I currently don’t have close Physician friends. I mostly have around enterpreneurs, artist of various kinds. In some friend settings, it’s hard to say all I do and can do; I remember someone commenting once “what don’t you do again?” It was said with such emotion (INFJ perceiving here), that she was either scornful or jealous because years after I still remember the come to and facial expression. Being of a rare personality type ( INFJ) and of a superior skill set (multipod) doesn’t make life easy because with that combination, hard to find people like me which sometimes makes me feel “fake”. Forcing myself to focus on one thing also hasn’t worked, so with deep intimate relationships, I can let them know. I often find myself introducinf myself differently in different settings. I hope to be courageous enough to identify instead of hide; something that I have gotten used to after many years of rejection, and bullying. Alas! I am who I am. Multipod for sure!! Thanks for the post and tips.
My first read of a blog post in this puttylike zone – a true kaleidoscopic view! There’s much to comment on and like in the post. I am most drawn to the question ‘what are you working on now?’ as opposed to do ‘what do you do?’. In addition to the present, it opens up the possibility of people sharing what he or she has worked on in the past, what he or she has planned for the future? It evokes a sense of action and energy, or not I guess.
In answer to how I describe me or what I do, I guess I adapt the answer to the audience and the nature of their question. I don’t think that is disingenuous, it’s more to offer a hook that might be of interest to the person I am chatting to.
What I do find in multiple formal and informal social occasions is that people are very limited in asking questions and also being that curious. May be it is where I currently live – Calgary, Canada – which is quite insular.
My research work is in individual values – ‘what makes people tick’ and we know that populations can be segmented into 3 worlds not one with 3 very different needs – belonging, esteem and learning. Today 60% of the UK working population are in the first 2 groups (belonging, esteem). These people will see the notion of multi-potentialities from weird / bizarre to deranged to scary. It does not fit their world view. Whereas the 3rd group is all about multi-potentialities because learning, being curious (for a whole bunch of reasons and outcomes) is a deep motivational drive. It is both bliss and a kind of mental torture (the more you know, the more you know you don’t know!)
If you are part of this community, then your worldview is likely to be distinctly different to many of the people in your world / community / town. As others have said, express this judiciously. It helps to be chameleon like. Have fun with it!
I’ve always known I have many interests but didn’t exactly know where I really belong. In high school, i was a science student but had friends in art class we read novels together, acted drama and the likes. I went on to study statistics in the uni and I surprisingly excelled at it while I did other stuff like fashion,art, public speaking, event planing, interior and exterior decorating, singing, volunteering, traveling, teaching…
Now I’m done with uni and fashion doesn’t resonate with me anymore but as a Nigerian you’re looked at as unserious and that’s my plight right now. I really want to go into finance and explore my options while I do other things. It’s such a relief finding this blog post. I hope i get to do the many things in my heart
I experiment a lot, try out a number of things and I am quite auto didactic. An ever inquisitive soul, a massive curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge keeps fuelling me forword. Sometimes life and social obligations get in the way, but left to my own elements, I will be on a life long journey to harness all of my potential. When I start out something new, I don’t mind being a beginner all over again. I don’t mind feeling like a complete idiot. I don’t mind repeat failures, as long as I am intent on not giving up. Sometimes you get so overwhelmed that you are scared to even try. It’s okay. Just try. And pat yourself on the back for trying.
Being good at things takes time and effort. And definitely a lot of courage too. When you’re starting up, focus on getting the basics right and on putting them into constant practice. Get to the point where you are good at things. Focus, enjoy and trust the process. Have patience. Nobody is an overnight success.You will go through phases – steady progress, plateaus, exponential leaps and dips. It’s more important to enjoy the ride than be obsessed about results. Don’t we all admire pole vaulters and high jumpers? Because they literally, constantly keep raising the bar for themselves. Improving is constantly raising the bar for yourself and pushing yourself over and over till you get over it. I am high sensation seeker – In the things that I pursue, I seek excellence, stimulation, novelty, fulfilment, and sometimes even actualization.
It isn’t easy leading a normal life being drawn to many things, being good at many things. It’s hard to maintain a narrow focus forever and be a specilist. I can’t be in one area of my interest for too long because it feels like I’m ignoring the rest and that feeling hurts. Or I get plain bored. I can’t just juggle things. I can’t be fully attached to things either. I am a lot wiser in perspective. I mostly go with the flow now. I invest my time and energy into what I’m drawn to the most at the moment. And try and design my life around it. I have learnt to be kind to myself, allowing myself to truly listen to my heart and follow it. With time you will develop a sense of what aspects of your life need work, and what skills you need to focus on, develop and keep improving in the larger context of your life.
It’s worth investing the time to find yourself. Each person is unique. Each multipotentialite is unique. Each one perceives life uniquely. And nobody has it all sorted out in any case. Be yourself. And believe in yourself. And most importantly, take care of yourself. You can carve our your own path. You can map out your own journey. It’s good to have a destination in mind so that it gives you some direction. Enjoy the journey, but really enjoy all the side excursions!
I’ve noticed culture is so “what are YOU doing about it” oriented. Number 9 is the absolute tops for me. Why do I need to explain or justify it? Why do I owe that to others, versus them offering basic respect for my world view and sense of self?
This constant need to self-regulate to accommodate others is absolutely exhausting. And, at some point, frankly is demeaning. There’s a lot of power dynamics to unpack here. Wanting something from others, say getting hired, by selling them on yourself?
I just, at some point this is straight up advocacy work. And putting that on self versus validating how HARD the situation is?
I guess what I’m saying is, within these being good ideas, it’s important to also honor and validate how HARD this work can be, how oppressive the situation is, and how it’s not our fault and that it’s external culture making life harder on us. And it shouldn’t be solely our burden to turn that around. Others need to meet us halfway in doing that work, versus pinning it 100% on us do something about it.
On the very rare occasion when I encounter someone who gets that “you smell sumpin’?” confused look after asking me what I do, I usually just tell them that I’m allergic to stagnancy, so I have to keep varied interests in play or I become a mischievous ball of angst and spazziness. I don’t usually get follow-up questions.
This made me laugh out loud! I’m so using this and will credit you via this post and website 🙂
Thanks ?
I am a twitch streamer (only italian, sadly, although I am a rather fluent english speaker), and I decided to structure my channel in a multipod style.
In my first live (which is for now the only one) I said that multipotential people have “plenty of interests and want to experience all them”. I also said that Leonardo da Vinci was a multipotential and then that every multipod has his own strategy for productivity. Mine is mixing abilities and create articulate projects, and that’s why my lives will be a mosaic of “themes” and “activities”
My two favorite answers to the question “What do you do?”:
1. What DON’T I do?
2. I’m not a(n) [insert bizarre occupation here]. For example, “I’m not an aerospace engineer.”
I do my elevator talk which starts with a Chem Eng BS minor in Oceanography, MS in Ocean Engineering work in Coastal Engineering that included learning Civil structural and Geotechnical for marina, boat ramp and waterfront projects. I skip the diving instructor, photography, jazz band and environmental board member or electrical design, Computer programming and modeling and other diverse projects unless there us a specific relevance to who I am speaking with. Overarching multidisciplinary Engineering with a focus on ocean and marine.
This entire community has been a blessing. I thought there was something wrong with me. Tons of great advice here but I think the one I need to focus on is number 9. I get the look and scoffs. It makes me dread saying anything.
I’ve always been proud to be a renaissance soul! I’m an artist, writer, wild west enthusiast and explorer and traveller. Even during my teens I realised how many interests I was pursuing and I never felt embarrassed, just pleased to be able to talk about it. Just explain yourself. You’d be surprised how many people are fascinated!
This article and the comments are so reassuring, really makes me feel less like the odd one out!
Someone mentioned thinking they had ADHD before knowing about multipotentialites. I also do but haven’t been diagnosed.
Do a lot of people here who self-identify as a multipotentialite also strongly relate to aspects of ADHD or ADD?
I recently left my corporate job as a program manager, and now I’m fielding the question, “What kind of job are you looking for?” My standard response has been, “That’s a good question.” I’ve been a PM for the past eight years of my 33 year career. Prior to that I’ve been a writer/editor, marketing manager, graphic designer, process analyst, and in between jobs I was an incidental entrepreneur—three times. Looking back over my career, I see how all of these experiences interweave and tell an incredible story of my life as a multipotentialite. I’m still getting used that term because it involves a lot of explaining to friends and family. I’m leaning more toward the “deep generalist” though I’m toying around with something like “synergistic innovator” or “synervator” for short. Not sure that will catch on. 🙂
As I take my time looking for a new job, I’m investing in my wife’s pottery business by setting up a store front to sell and offer “play with clay” session and classes. A year ago, she invited me to help her with the production work, and I quickly learned how to throw pottery. I have a mentor with 40 years of experience, so it seems a daunting task this late in my career. But learning that I’m a multipotentialite has instilled me with confidence to try, make mistakes, and learn. The best part is that I can bring all my skills I collected in the corporate world to build and manage a small business.
I didn’t know I was a multipotentialite until a client of mine came up with this term. She said she thought she was a multipotentialite and that’s why she didn’t think following current marketing straregies would work for her. The first thing I did was to search for the term, then I replied she could find her own way to do marketing and with the coming days, the algorithm started showing me other multipotentialites webpages and services so I went down the rabbit hole again. It turns out, I’m also a multipotentialite who’s been struggling defining what I do because I believed I had to have just one label. It was easier when I said I’m an English teacher and own my own school. But now, since I had to reinvent myself I find it difficult to say that I do many things, while trying to figure out others, so I keep saying I’m an English teacher because that’s easier. Other times, when I feel braver, I say I create online content. People’s faces are speechless when I say this. It turns out when you are almost 50, you’re not allowed to explore new career paths anymore. Thanks for the article.
I work in IT and Simon Wardley’s EVTP model has been really helpful for me in my professional life. He distinguishes between Explorers, Villagers and Town Planners.
I’m always exploring all possibilities, but with effort and if it’s the right thing to do I allow myself to stick with something to watch it grow.
Here’s a link to Simons blog:
Joanna first of all thank you for a great article! Emilie and the Puttyverse thank you.
Gratitude is one of the foundations of Renaissance persons, now potentialities because we now know we are seen and appreciated. Also something very interesting. We are constantly moving, constantly learning.
We are not nouns, dictated by a single thing; we are VERBS.
I saw this quote perhaps a year ago and I resonated with it not knowing what an incredible quote it was by someone in the late 1800s who knew he was different.
Let’s see if it resonates with anyone else, please google the history of this dynamic , because you will recognize his qualities right away.
“If you want to be a grocer, or a general, or a politician, or a judge, you will invariably become it; that is your punishment.
If you never know what you want to be, if you live what some might call the dynamic life — but what I will call the artistic life — if each day you are unsure of who you are and what you know you will never become anything, and that is your reward.”
— Oscar Wilde
For me, editing is key. Who do I want to share how much with? Some people have more narrow/default life concepts and they won‘t be able to relate or are too insecure and judgmental; in that case, my response is rather generic. My closer friends know I am a multipassionate and appreciate me for that . . . a good number of them are scanners themselves. For the ones in between, I‘ll give them a soundbite or two that they will be able to digest, relate to or will find interesting. To me, the key is knowing your audience and editing to their ability to relate and feed off of my passions.
Dear Emily, thank you so much for your work! If you were here, I would hug you tightly!!! You helped me understand what was wrong with my life! It turned out that everything is so, I’m just different. All my life I thought that I was somehow special, I wanted to be one of the heroes of the movie “X-Men”, I grasp any profession very quickly and it is interesting to me as long as I overcome the difficulties of research and creation of something new and interesting. But as soon as the goal is achieved, I switch to something else. I had an emotional burnout, because no one understood me and my psychologist said that apparently I am a multipotentialite, I began to look for information about this and … voila! It was as if my batteries were changed. I do everything: metal welding, chocolate making, construction and even car repair. And I really like all of this!!! I am glad that my wife (even though she is not a multipotentialite), understands me well and supports me and even admires me. Unfortunately, I don’t speak English well… I’m originally from Moldova and speak Romanian and Russian. Now I live in Georgia (it’s in the Caucasus). I would really like to get to know you all better and talk, I think we have a lot to tell each other. Big hugs to everyone!