Originally published on doodlealley.com, republished with permission by Stephen McCranie.
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Stephen McCranie is an Albuquerque-based cartoonist. His award-winning, kids comic book series Mal and Chad is published by Penguin Young Readers and some of the books are featured in the Scholastic book fair. Stephen’s mission statement is “to make good ideas easy to access, understand, and share.” Check out his latest KickStarter campaign and find him online at doodlealley.com.
This is cool, I really like comics, especially about the toppic I’m interested in 🙂
What comes in my mind is that since I started to study about meditation and minimalism, my blogging improved. Not always but mostly I write less but pay more attention to it and I always make sure the post resonates with me deeply before I post it. That way I can be sure it will resonate with my people as well, and it never fails.
I write the same way I meditate – I immerse in it, enjoy the words’ composition and write it the way I’d enjoy it even more. I fiddle with it to make it smooth, funny and inspiring and to touch my own heart which I carefuly listen to. Meditation taught me that. And together with minimalism it makes me also think about every single word I write – is it really necessary? Could I take this paragraph out when it’s not really about the toppic? And so on.
Great post! Exploring different interests gives you such a different perspective and you naturally connect the dots that others might have missed because they are only staring at one of them!
I love what your doing here! I’ve been recently realizing that my old passions don’t “fit” anymore, but have started to find some exciting ways to apply my skills from them elsewhere. It’s really exciting when you realize that all of the things you have done that didn’t work out can give you an awesome, unique perspective when you tackle the next project.
I loved the example that you gave about music and cooking. You know, this kind of multi perspective is such an ancient concept too. The first thing I thought of reading that was “Musica universalis”, an ancient concept comparing the movement of celestial bodies to music.
Thank you for sharing with us!
What great comics, they really are clever, thank you for sharing these!