Specialists do certain things well. They are excellent craftsmen, they have a deep knowledge of their chosen profession, they’re focused and detail oriented.
Multipotentialites are skilled in varying degrees depending on the passion. For example, after twelve years of classical violin training, I’m a pretty solid violinist. Compare that to the three years I spent in law school. It’s been a few years since graduating and I could probably recall the essential elements of a contract, but not much more.
The value of skill
The dominant story around career and calling tells us that skill is what’s valuable in the marketplace, and that we should therefore hone a skill (specialize), and then perform this skill over and over again in exchange for a paycheck.
Sure, this is an over-simplistic way of looking at employment, but there’s truth to it. It’s the model that came out of the industrial revolution, back when it made sense for each person to be a cog in the system and do one thing well because that’s how our industry flourished.
Are there qualities more valuable than skill?
Skill is where the conversation usually ends. But I would argue that there are certain qualities more valuable than being “really good” at something.
Multipotentialites have a number of often underestimated superpowers that go beyond skill. These qualities are the reason that so many innovators throughout history happen to have been oriented toward multiple disciplines. They predispose us to innovation.
1. Contextual thinking
Multipotentialites are able to see the broader implications of a problem, and can therefore make smarter, more informed decisions.
When I was in law school, I took a course on Intellectual Property. As someone who used to burn CDs of her latest songs and mail them to the Library of Congress when she was seventeen, I had a tangible understanding of what Copyright meant. Similarly, my experiences making films often had me bumping up against copyright law in different, often frustrating ways.
My background in the arts meant that I didn’t just see Copyright through the lens of law, but I was able to appreciate the affect that it had on different groups. Being able to understand issues from many perspectives enhances empathy and understanding, and leads to more well thought out decisions.
2. Translating between modes of thought
A background of multidisciplinary exploration means that multipotentialites are able to “speak the language” of people in different fields. The ability to shift between modes of thought allows us to translate between groups, help them understand each other, and work with big teams.
I once couchsurfed with a guy who programs supercomputers for some of the biggest tech companies in the world. He literally told me that a specialist couldn’t do his job. As the project leader, he needs to be able to understand how the programmers, designers, businesses, and users all think, so that he can help them communicate with each other and bring the greater vision to life.
In her book, Refuse to Choose, Barbara Sher uses the example of the orchestra conductor. A conductor must know how to speak the language of the violinists, so that he can tell them which part of the bow to use during certain passages where he wants particular dynamics and intensity. At the same time, the conductor must know how to speak the language of the timpani players, which means thinking in terms of texture and rhythm. He needs to be able to zoom in to communicate with each individual part, and zoom back out to make sure that no voice overpowers the others, and that the instruments blend together nicely.
3. Wearing many hats
Multipotentialites know how to do many things well, which means that we rarely have to seek outside help (we may want to, but rarely do we have to). So while I may not have enough legal knowledge to be a lawyer, I do have enough skill for it to be a real asset in my business.
Our unique and varied skill-set can also make us indispensable to an organization. One summer I worked at an advertising agency in New York. I was initially hired as a web design intern, but once they realized what vast skills I had, they began giving me a range of tasks. I found myself working with the in-house lawyer to research city regulations related to billboards, editing video campaigns, and cutting together panoramic photos. I did all of this in addition to my web design work. I think they were pretty sad when I left. I would have been hard to replace.
4. Fast skill acquisition
Multipotentialites are so accustomed to diving into new disciplines and acquiring knowledge, that we become skilled at the process of learning. The more experience you have being a beginner, the faster “getting good” becomes.
The experience of tackling many subjects also means that we are less intimidated when facing new problems. We’ve got the confidence from years of picking things up to know that we can figure it out. Also, the truth is that multipotentialites rarely start from scratch. Most skills are transferable, and we often build off of past knowledge.
Multipotentialites are also fiercely passionate about their pursuits, almost to the point of obsession. This kind of passion fuels self-learning. It means that we devour information and can reach a high level of proficiency fast.
5. Impact / inspiration
Being passionate doesn’t just lead to fast skill acquisition. The enthusiasm that multipotentialites have for their interests makes them excellent leaders that other people want to band around. Knowledge is important, but I would argue that enthusiasm is more valuable since it reaches people on an emotional level.
6. Concoction
Multipotentialites are schemers. We love coming up with new ideas and bringing projects to life. When I was a kid, I was constantly inventing awesome projects. There were plays, gymnastic shows, a kids news program, fortune telling and origami in the park, punk bands, websites, short films, and clubs. This pattern has continued throughout my life. Often when I look around and feel displeased with the existing options, I create my own. Multipotentialites are constantly looking to invent better, more fun ways of doing things.
7. Idea synthesis
Probably the coolest multipotentialite super power is the ability to combine disparate fields and create something entirely new at the intersection.
I would define innovation as: taking knowledge in one area and applying it to solve a problem in an entirely unrelated field. The intersections are where new ideas are born. New ideas don’t come from text books. With so many fields to draw from, multipotentialites have a lot of potential intersections to explore.
Tapping into your super powers
As a multipotentialite, you are naturally inclined toward the seven super powers mentioned above. However, some of us are more practiced in certain areas than others.
If you’ve been denying your multipotentiality and trying to specialize (because that’s what the culture told you to do), you might be a little rusty. Don’t worry. All of these abilities can be brought out through practice. As you embrace your multipotentialite nature, it will become easier to harness your super powers.
Your Turn
How have you used your multipotentialite super powers? Can you think of any others that I left out?
Yes, I love it! I’d add one more: being about to connect with people in many different fields. Knowing a little bit about many things helps you to strike up a conversation with just about everyone.
Definitely. I think this is a precursor to the power of translation. We’re only able to translate between people in different fields because we can understand each of them. Good call, Leslie.
Up until this weekend I had no idea why I struggled to specialize or to make a decision on a certain career, like all my friends and family. Learning alwaya excited me especially when it was something Im pasdionate avout. I go hard and then once Iv learnt all I can or want to know I get bored and move on. Change excited me and I thrive in chaos very enthusiastically. I always tried to fit in a box, but doing that meant I wasnt staying true to myself. I have developed my superpowers and continue to grow everyday and after seeing you on Ted Talks I felt a sence of belonging. I rarely want to be labeled but I totally own being a multipolentialite, now that I know Im not the only one, I can also learn more about myself. Thank you so much Emilie!
This post is incredible and this comment by Channel made me laugh and cry in relief and recognition! Thank you!
You just described perfectly how I have been feeling all these years. I sow Emilie’s TED talk only today and I started deep dive in Puttylike website 🙂 it is nice to see there are other people like me.
I add that as a multipotenialite I am extremely interested and inspired how others “do things.” Rather than fear or feel jealousy of other’s accomplishments, I value the paths, skills and social access points of others. This helps me present my skills and input where needed, while saving room for and respecting the skills and knowledge of others. I work well with others.
I totally can relate to that! It is very powerful and you connect with them on a very deep level, because I never have agenda when meeting people. I just see all of them as interesting and good nature people and love learning new things and have this amazing inspiring thought. This in conjunction with true self-love and acceptance is so powerful and it happens on the unconscious level.
I particularly love that “concoction” is one of the superpowers. Yes! Absolutely and completely. The world needs more shemers who are thinking up new, fabulous amalgamations of ideas!
As I was reading this, the whole article reminded me of how in the last 100 years, neuroplasticity has become increasingly important in brain and behavior research. What are multipotentialites but examples of the fabulous things that can happen when out-of-the-ordinary neural connections are made?
Haha I was deciding how to phrase that one. Creation/creativity sounded so over done and “invention” was a little specific. Concoction makes me think of a mad scientist, which I love. We’re totally mad scientists. Self-starters.
Um you realize that you just sent down the “neuroplasticity” google hole, right? 🙂
My childhood dream was to be a “mad scientist”, I could never picture myself fitting in any specialized job, aska “normal jobs”! 🙂
Emilie, you are a rockstar.
High fives! I’m in good company.
Great post and spot on! In my current job, my multipotentiality has caused my “duties not otherwise specified” to explode. And those are always the most fun things to do.
“duties not otherwise specified” heh nice, Sara. Sounds like fun indeed.
You so get me (LOL) I’ve embraced my multi-potentiality for some time now. My brain and creativity just don’t know another way to work. Wearing many hats is what helped boost my career before I left corporate america…I was constantly given new tasks and assignments. The trick is to make sure that you have a boss or manager that recognizes your skills and capability and lets you thrive.
Absolutely Tai. It’s all about having work that is fueled by your multipotentialite super powers (as opposed to work that makes you hide them away). Gotta play to your strengths.
Truly an awesome piece. Well put.
Thanks Joel!
Yay! Can I staple this to my resume? Oh wait, I already don’t get half of the jobs I apply for because I’m overqualified. . .
Which is why I’m working on starting my renaissance business!
🙂 Go you!
“Yay! Can I staple this to my resume? Oh wait, I already don’t get half of the jobs I apply for because I’m overqualified. . .”
LOL Boy, does this sound familiar…
Hey Emilie. I just heard about you through the blogcastfm podcast and wanted to say hi. You’re putting into words and out there in the universe for others to learn what I’ve been challenged with my entire life. It wasn’t until I moved to NYC in 82 and went to The Fashion Institute of Technology that I learned that I wasn’t alone – that there were other people out there who had 3001 ideas in their head every day.
I love how you’ve turned this around and I love the Super Powers. #2 has always been a big one for me and one guy introduced me to a small group one day as a renaissance man because of my ability to move and groove effortlessly.
So, thanks for being here to help all of us “dreamers” keep on dreaming. I couldn’t bear to think of life any other way.
Concoction, brain storm. I’m always having these in vast amounts. I’ll be thinking of one idea, when another totally rolls in. Example: New kids cartoon show that has a Mr. Rogers take on life. In mere moments it switches to how does this be a creative & fun thing to display to people. Product line. Then I’ll have some kind of opposite thought of what it involved super natural characters instead of kid themed. Werewolves… vampires. So, now as I type this you can see it starts shoots off into bubbles upon bubbles of endless thought. *explosions*
I LOVE this and I love bloggers who invent their own words to describe themselves 🙂 I have always felt a little bit good at everything which at times, especially in school, felt like a bummer because I wasn’t top of any of my classes, just generally good. Now, I see my ability to put it all together and make it work as a HUGE asset. It sets me apart and lets me really rock out in a way only I can.
Uniquitude is a word I made up to talk about being yourself and telling the world. I think you’ll dig it 🙂 http://thecreativegiraffe.com/be-yourself-tell-the-world/
I am so glad I found this site.
I am 44 and struggling with the fact that I am good a most things but not a master of any. My job has me driving most of the day so my mind is always so active that I have to write ideas down, but then I have to many to know where to start. The thing that always held me back was that school was not for me,It should of taught me how to channel my knowledge and be entrepreneurial, rather than saying I was unfocused. I left school at 14 with very poor grammar, but loved to write, though I never had the ability to write anything decent. So I have found myself living through other people, by teaching them the things I know, so their success has been my reward.
i am going off on one here so I’ll come to an end, but I just want to say that it is such a relief just knowing that there is a term for people like us and it’s a positive one.
Thanks Eddy UK
“I just want to say that it is such a relief just knowing that there is a term for people like us and it’s a positive one”
I definitely second that one, It is only about three months ago that I found out I was a scanner/multipotentialite and it has been quite a revelation. Having a ‘Day Book’ is a good idea, really helps me keep track of my current interests.
I consider myself lucky that I was steered toward a career in electronics. It is such a broad field. One day I can be doing metal bashing, the next soldering, then next fault finding, then next designing a piece of test gear and the next writing software for it.
damn this website rocks my world. Jack White is defenitely a multipotentialate!
I am in my thirties and I never understood why I could not get and stay passionate on anyone thing. All my life I’ve jumped from one passion to the next. I will get to a point where I’m pretty good at something and than I would just stop doing it cold turkey. Unfortunately this applied to relationships as well. I just considered myself a “Jack of all trades but a master of nothing”. But really (mentally) I was considering myself a failure.
I’ve only been on this site for about 30 minutes reading through the “Start Here” sections and already my life has change so much. Just to be able to define what it is “Multipotentialite” is huge, to be able to read though the “Superpowers” and say yes, yes, yes, that is so me!!! I feel like someone finally has been able to diagnose my problem after 30+ years.
Wholly S@@@ I wish someone could have explained this to me 20 years ago. Emilie you absolutely have rocked my world!!
Thank You
WOW! I just discovered this blog and I’m so glad I did. I recognise myself so much here. I gotta say I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m multipotentialite recently, despite not knowing it was a thing and had a name haha. To find out there’s a community of people like this, and tools to help us thrive…that’s just too awesome. Keep up the good work! 🙂
Thanks, Emilie! I have certainly used the ability to acquire skills fast and the ability to wear many hats in order to have an interesting and successful experience in many workplaces and collaborative or job relationships. Over the past 1-2 years, I have unfortunately felt pressure to at least say if not live like I am working toward zeroing in on one thing or specializing in something. I am primarily passionate and interested and experienced in music, but even within music I am a multi-instrumentalist and vocalist and composer.
I felt keenly aware of the generalizations and expectations people have around age and number of jobs and career paths, and while I have stood my ground in many areas, my innovation has suffered. I look forward to pursuing the innovative ideas I have, combined with my skills and experience, rather than spending my time trying to fit in where I should stand out.
OMG. Everything on the list sounds like me, but number 4 and number 6 are sooooooooo me.
Number 6 – I tend to see rules as guidelines or strong preferences, which leads me to want to bend and/or break them to create a new path.
Number 4 has become a bit of a sore spot for me. I pick things up so fast that I tend to leave my colleagues (even the one’s with more years on the job) behind. This has lead to hurtful comments like “know it all” and “show off.” I have moved past those painful moments, but it is nice to be able to fully understand myself and why I am the way I am. THANK YOU!
I think another power is the ability to spot potential in others on a whole new level. I think we are great recruiters. Because we can see the big picture and because we are familiar with all parts, we can recognize the talent needed in all parts. A master violinist can find another master violinist, but a conductor can recruit an entire orchestra.
I agree that I am like this in many ways. However the problem I have is that I lack the thirst for knowledge when I tell myself to be thirsty. I have so many interests but I lack the motivation to learn deeply about them. All my interests are extremely short-termed (weeks/months). How can I elongate my passion?
You may not be able to, and that’s ok. Some passions are just short-lived, and you need to believe that they serve a greater purpose. Maybe to contribute to some larger project in the future, or just enriching your life. On the other hand, you could try enrolling in a class or working on a longer term project with a deadline to see if that would keep things interesting longer.
yeah right now in school I’m learning about my biggest passion (software development) and that’s helping me focus on my main motivation. Once I develop those skills hopefully i will be able to throw in all my other interests into the mix!
thanks for your help and this website rocks!
Thanks to you, Now that I know why I am so weird.
Where have you been all my life….. I’ve been struggling for so long with Multipotentialite that I was really starting to believe everyone around me was right (I’m crazy) but I’m not and deep down inside I knew this all along. I cannot get enough of your message and feel so empowered to be myself after reading your stuff. The thought of doing one thing for the rest of my life makes life for me depressing and pointless. I could go on and on about the all the great topics you written but I am short on character space. I’m never one to leave a comment on anything but compelled to do so. Thank you for sharing and I can’t wait to become one of the tribe.
Every day we’re hustlin’!!!
Thank you, thank you!
A friend just told me about your website. I am familiar with Barbara Sher, and I definitely have some scanner attributes. I love the superpowers.
I’m bilingual, a coach and therapist, a writer of fantasy, an archaeologist, I play the recorder, I love horses, wanted to be an animal trainer as kid … and I find all those superpowers spot on!
The one about languages could actually be expanded to include world languages. It’s so much fun and worthwhile to bring together concepts originating in different languages and parts of the world.
multipotentiality has its downs. It doesn’t allow you to focus on one problem. Or it’s very challenging. I cope with this everyday. And I’m mad at myself that I’ve chosen to study something that doesnt allow you to be multipotential
Lly, everything has it’s challenges. But these aren’t insurmountable. A lot of the multipotentialites I know are great at focusing and have cultivated strategies to help them focus better. Similarly, I know plenty of non-multis who struggle with multitasking and distractions all the time.
Try using a timer and focusing for shorter periods of time (like 25 min), with short intermittent breaks. That often helps me focus. You might also make sure you don’t have an acetylcholine imbalance, as that can make it very difficult to focus.
The key “superpower” for me has been the “translation” superpower. When i was little, i wanted to be an actress and didn’t realize why that was. As a “grown up” i realize that the only reason why i wanted to be an actress was because i could pretend to be several things… I learned that I don’t need to “pretend” to be several things, but can actually BE several things… without having to answer the stupid question of “what do want to BE”??
I also do freelance translation and interpreting and the part I enjoy the most is not just the interpreting piece but the bringing two cultures together… helping them to not just communicate, but to actually “understand” each other 🙂 Lets just say the world wouldn’t be possible without us!!!!
Hi I’ve been struggling to fit into the whole society thing for quite awhile now till i found out about multi-interested people and that I am one myself, well my questions is how exactly did you start to learn new information in the areas that you were passionate about? On my end my passion for a subject is very high one day but then when i sleep and wake up my focus will be on strongly on another area.
So did you sort of study a area till your focused changed then and then you changed your study subject? or did you have a certain time period you studied one thing then when the hour changed you changed your study subject?
My goal for now is to enhance my ability to understand the subjects i love better but with so many passions I sort of forget a lot :l HELP ME SENSEI !
I tend to study something till I lose interest, and then switch. Sometimes I become interested in the first subject again later.
I do the same thing, I study till the interest it’s gone. But, through the years I found a pattern, every X months studying a completely different area, I jump into the one I started and dropped months before, and I see everything with a new light. It’s like if my brain needed a completely new/different information to connect the dots on different subjects.
Recently i found that I am multi-potential. It is very confusing when it comes for chosing a career. I am web designer now, but i do like 3Dmax more, its been awhile i didnt use that software, so i felt useless when i have that skill but i didnt use it. as a web designer, i might think i dont like it, but it can be done(multipotential). Its already 27 years old, NOW, i just found that I am multitalented. sigh
I can’t believe it is this simple, all of my life I have felt useless and unable to hold a steady “job” that cramps my capabilities. Living in a tiny town, there are not many real options for somebody like me. I have a ton of background knowledge in just about every mechanical and hands on field you can name, but I am not an expert in any of them. I like to switch it up and enjoy each thing in moderation, and when it gets dull I back off for a little while. I’ve always felt I will never be able to conform to societies slave labor campaign while doing menial jobs for low pay. This past week I was at wits end about to call it quits on life, but for some reason I stumbled across this site. WOW THE GEARS ARE TURNING IN MY HEAD NOW… ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES… Sometimes the answer is right in front of you, I guess that comes with being an over thinker.. Doh
Thanks, Emile, for this site. I have wondered what was wrong with me and when I was going to find “my thing” for so many years now. I’ve always thought people who knew what they wanted to be when they grew up were so lucky, but I’ve always been good a lot of different things and the thought of having to choose terrified me. Now I feel like I can embrace the fact that I have a lot of interests and I’m not a freak, a failure, lazy, or undisciplined.
This is going to be life changing. My entire strategy is going to be different. I’ve pursued several different careers paths and became bored with each. I figured out a long time ago that I have about a two year time limit before each one started to become unbearable. Thank you so much for this!
Hi emily….
Im so glad, i finally find mysel, who i truly am… no more anxiety and depression… thankyu emili
This is awesome and thrilling to know that I’m not alone. Literally everything that you have mentioned defines me even in the comments one lady referenced neuroplasicity and I can completely engage in that conversation. You even mentioned, on the ted talk, about being a pediatricneurosurgeon and that was my dream career as a child. I have so many interest in the arts, science, and nature that it is almost overwhelming and I’m so glad that my mom put me on to you. I remember when I had a mental breakdown in college because I was trying to be one dimensional and it isolated me from all my passions. I finally got out of that and decided to pursue the things that I love and desire instead of waste time doing something I don’t want to do just because its the norm. So rock on multipontialites!!!!!!
~the renaissance man MT Dubb
Just saw your Ted talk today, wow thought I was alone. great to know I’m not. I have been called eccentric, weird, ADD, and just about any others you can think of. i have managed to do well in my jobs by always seeking out things related to the company but just out of my job duties and volunteering to take them on. I always feel a need to do something more and am able to learn it quickly. It’s great to know there is a community of people who understand.
A trend I see in myself as I move from interest to interest, project to project, career to career is that I always leave on a high note. I work hard on something or in a position and as I feel my interest wane I let my employers and others around me know that I need a change. I let them know months in advance, I work with others to transition someone else into my position so that I can move on knowing that my work on a project was worthwhile from beginning to end. I want to give back as much as a project or employer gave to me.
For example, I founded a weekly poetry performance series and directed it for 3 years. When I decided I needed to take on a master’s degree in another city (in part because my schedule became too hectic with invitations and commitments), I selected the next director of the series and worked with him for six months … training him on writing grants, creating a program, inspiring others to get involved.
Certainly the flavour of the series has changed (I call it my ‘rebellious child’), but I was open to that. I knew that new directors would come on with their own set of skills, abilities, and accesses to the poetry community.The series is now in its 8th year and is thriving more than ever. We’ve inspired hundreds of people to get on the stage and use their voices, some local poets have moved on to even publish books and win awards. We’ve hosted two national spoken word competitions.
Up untill now i could not sleep because i could not understand why the hell i get so good and so fast at anything i choose to pursue, but it wont stick for long.. I could learn and do anything.
Now i can not sleep because i found the answer to years of feeling lost, i found peace with who i am and got really excited about the new things that will come up from this.
Thank you Emilie Wapnick for helping me finding myself.
You are a great!
I’m so overwhelmed, having just found this last night, after thirty three years of trying to “fit myself into society”.
All I am able to say is thank you…
Thank you! I am just learning about this, but I have always felt like something is wrong with me because I get bored with my job and am always ready to move on so quickly.
I have to say I always knew I had quite a lot of enthusiasm in many things and even felt discouraged do to the vague awareness of multipotentialite being a real word. Thanks!
I love this post! I quietly use these “super powers” everyday, and know in my heart that I am unique in how I approach any project, initiative or personal encounter. I just have never seen this articulated so clearly; the strategies that are naturally going through my head at any point in time to create positive outcomes.
thank you!
Hi Emilie, thanks for giving it a name! I saw your presentation on Ted and put the link on my CV. Explains it all 🙂 And I mention it to people who consider me (and the lot of you probably) as ‘somewhat undefinable broadly obsessed and busy’ (don’t know any better words right know). I always get a grin (inside or outside) when the ‘sceptics’ eventually come and the conversation starts with stuff like ‘didn’t you do..’, ‘I heard you made a..’ or ‘what do you think of..’. Sure, I’ll help you 😉
Hi, I’m an experience multipotentialite 56 years old, sure was very traumatic don’t have a unique interest but I use my multipotentialite to travel,to learn languages, know people, news skills ( I did more or less 30 differents jobs ) etc. But do you know why we are not stuck in just one skill ? , because we are tied to the evolution and IT is WHY WE ARE MULTIPOTENTIALITE, WE NEED THE CHANGE it is in our spirit !. Born in Argentina, married in Europe living in Canada and now planing land in Brazil with a project of Permaculture and yet I don’t know what more will come more in The future, ENJOY YOUR MULTIPOTENTIALITE, THE LIVE IS BEAUTIFUL, WIDE AND ENDLESS.
Excellent! Describes me exactly. I hope you don’t mind if a plagiarize a little for a LinkedIn note to promote our superpowers! 🙂
Hi Darren, I know this is only 4 years too late but because I feel so strongly about this article and what it stands for (after having just read it for the first time), I was hoping that you remembered to at the very least included Emilie’s name and/or a link to this article as it is truly her thoughts, words and insight and she should without a doubt be given ALL the credit for that reason alone. I think it is wonderful that you are inspired after reading, but please remember that she chose to share a very intimate and innovative piece of her and for that we should respect her work and regard it as such. Please know that I certainly am not intending on posting this to hurt you in any means, only thought I might help you to see a different perspective that you might not have thought about otherwise. 🙂 I am proud to also call myself a multipotentialite and am relieved to find myself among hundreds of other exceptionally intelligent human beings such as yourself. I also think it is brave of you [and Emilie] to speak up and educate others (AKA “society” as a whole -LOL!] about our creative weirdo selves and in turn help them to see a bit of life from our perspective for once. 😉 This is the first I have posted on this site, subject or platform and I can tell you I know one thing is for sure, it will not be the last. As you all can imagine, I too have been inspired to help educate other “normal” members of society, while rekindling many other weary multipotentialite’s souls who are likely feeling worn out and alone as out late and desperately need to read this refreshing blog piece and comments (which I think are just as inspiring- if not more!) It is quite a relief to know that we do actually fit in after all! Here’s to all of us conquering the world one passionate skill and dream at a time! Yours truly, Jen_and_Juice
I love this so much! I’m so glad I stumbled across your TED talk. I feel far more at peace with my rather fickle attention span and like I’ve learnt something about myself and what I might have to offer the world. And I also like the idea of having superpowers, not going to lie that’s why I decided to read this post.
I’ve always worried that I get bored so quickly, yet at the same time I want to do so much.
The moment I try something I’m always told that I’m talented and found my calling, etc, etc. but I just can’t hold on to it long enough to really make an impact. I want to tackle the next challenge instead.
Frustrating and concerning most of the time 🙁
Hello Emilie,
I just would like to say how I am happy to discovery your website. In the last 3 years I “loose”a lot of money with psychologists, coachs and much more things to try to discover “my calling” and what it was wrong with me because I never discovered that. When I saw your video in TED talk was a kind of EUREKA… I just in two days I could reformulate all my life (personal, professional and everything) just because now I know that has nothing wrong with me!!! I am a psychologist, dancer, productor, director, writer, capoeirista, poetry… and even if for me everything is completely connected I tried a lot to choose one to make a career. Failed!!!!! I need all!! So, thank you to share your knowledge and your experience 🙂
I’d like share this Ted video , it could be a complement in our multipontentialite live, Thank you
My life makes sense now, most of my choices and decisions that i have taken so far, make sense to me now. Thank you Emilie. I have become positively restless with so much energy after finding out that there are other people like me, and there is nothing wrong with me.
Thank you.
Hi there! I ve got a question for all of u multipotentialites. Do you sometimes feel that you understand people better without any need to talk than the average? And also have a very intuitive functionment that often leads you to the result without needing to decompose every step that lead to it? I’d like to know if the sensitive and other people understanding just by lookin at their face was also part of this syndroma. Thanks for your article, I really enjoyed reading it and feeling that I was understood!
Stargazer, along with the putty tribe, from what you describe you might benefit from the book “The Highly Sensitive Person”. You sound spot on, and it’s yet one more personality trait that makes you a rock star! Good luck
Thank God I found you. I struggled for many years thinking there was something wrong with me. Now its all making sense. I feel positive, liberated knowing it’s okay and that there are many others who share the same energy as I do.
Un Grand Merci!!
First, sorry for my english!
Thanks a lot for putting a word on what I’ve tried to explain to a lot of people, to my family, recruiters… And my self! I’m multipotentialite and very proud of it! Just starting to discover your website but I’m sure it will help me to restore my self-confidence in my abilities.
From France
I am a multipotentialite, I have learnt it recently. otherwise I just thought that I am gud at evrything I try. I have one question ,that if any of my friend is being good at any skill in front of me I usually get jealous, whether it is them getting good marks ,singing well, playing a sports well. I get jealous and start learning their skill and defeat them within small amount of time and with being freindly with them. I know being jealous is not a good thing but cannot stop it. So, is getting “jealous” is a usual trait to multipods?
Last year, on my CV, in an attempt to describe myself, I added a line called strengths : AAA+ : Adaptability, Analytical skills and Ability to learn.
I didn’t know then that I was describing my multipotentialite super powers…
Thank you Emilie for showing me there are other ways to be part of the society without feeling odd or misplaced.
Still some way to go, but good to know I’m accompanied now.
“specialization is for insects” -Heinlein
I almost shed tears after reading all about multipotentiality here. My friend has always complained that I can’t commit to one thing. I love business, aviation, kids, massage therapy, spirituality, beadery and when I combine knowledge from all these, I am at my absolute best. Ocean or mountains? Both. Favorite color? I love them all. Favorite food? I don’t have any. I’m just glad to finally realize this and I am totally at peace with myself now. Time to kick ass with my new found knowledge :-). Free at last. Thank God I am free at last.
Thanks a bunch.
One benefit or super power, is the well never runs dry. It seems like one area of my life always spills into another creating something new. No matter the job, project, group I’m involved with I am the ultimate problem solver as I always “know someone” from a past life that can do the job needing doing. I have usually worked with someone or had a reason to solve the problem in another context in another life. The 20+ year catalogue of contacts and friendships, professional colleagues and people I can call on for either expertise, information or a favour has proven to be one of my most valuable assets in more than one country now.
I just discovered that I am what you told on your TED Video Talk. Thank you for this website post.
thank you thank you thank you!! I found you through your TED Talk. I am 44 and never heard of this although I have always done 5 things at once. I think I can now honor that I am actually brilliant instead of having low self esteem. 🙂
WE are also great “connectors”. Because of our many diverse interests we always “know a guy” when someone is making an enquiry on where they can find an expert in a particular field. We may not have the knowledge ourselves, but we can generally track down a connection who does have it.
I would add for me I am able to see not patterns as such but no when looking at information and data which is relevant even if I am unsure why and then build predictions and conclusions.
It can scare others because of the seeming lack of concrete evidence and truth be told it scares me, how can you trust something you don’t understand fully. People that know me will just say trust yourself, you know it will be most likely. It’s good to get that positive reinformcement.
Very much a hurtful skill though if you end up in a period of self doubt because you see your thoughts coming to life without you, then you jump in reaction and frustration into the wrong boat and regret your action and then end in a confusion spiral.
Oh for a concrete skill and a fascination with one thing.
I stumbled across your TED talk, and it led me here. The feeling of relief and excitement to read posts like this one, and all the comments from others who are just like me is overwhelming!
I have so many different interests and have held so many jobs in my life. I made jewelry and sold it to local shops when I was 11, I played soccer, softball and the saxophone for 7 years. I went to school to study fashion design, developed my own collections post-college, organized fashion shows and events and worked at an art gallery selling midcentury modern furniture design before taking a job as a hardware designer for Coach handbags for 3 years. I made and sold handmade greeting cards on Etsy during this time, then started an online wedding registry for experiences (museum memberships, wine tastings) that supported local businesses. I quit my job to focus on my company while taking part time jobs doing retail sales at Bonobos, customer service emails at Birchbox, and packaging at a design studio. I rented my apartment weekly on AirBnB to pay my bills, wrote for a dating blog, worked as a matchmaker for a dating site, and then took my current position running the business development department for a startup, where I’ve been for almost 2 years.
I’ll be 30 in a couple weeks, and already feel like I’ve had a lifetime of careers! Yet there’s also so much I’m frustrated that I haven’t done yet – the art I’ve wanted to make, the gallery/shop I’ve dreamed of opening one day, the pottery and furniture making classes I’ve wanted to take, the essays I’ve wanted to write, the blog I’ve started and stopped and started again. While I love my current job, I dread the question “what do you do?” because that one answer alone doesn’t define me.
Thank you for creating Puttylike – I can’t wait to dive further into this site and continue to be inspired!
I never knew there was a name for someone like me until i read this and saw your talk.
Ive been on a journey for many years being torn apart by what i truly felt i was and what was expected of me by society.
Cant wait to research more.
I would motion for all of us quite possibly being highly sensitive people as well. Being highly sensitive gives us range to be able to be passionate about everything, to connect with everyone on many levels, to feel everything on every level. I think emotional intelligence, empaths, highly sensitive people, is all the same thing and is a super power. I would love to test a theory??? Out of things any of you other have tried… has anyone gotten into fingerprint reading and palm reading??? How many of you multipotentialites have an incredible amount of lines on your hands? So many that it’s unreal? I always wondered why my hands were like that and so far I believe that those lines are there because of the thousands of potential possibilities we have available to us. It’s roads to every part of your Palm, mounts, fingertips. I would love to see your Palm prints if anyone wants to share?!
Beautiful analysis Emilie, keep up the good work…
I’m a little late to this party but I felt like an outcast for the first part of my life. I have been able to embrace my uniqueness with confidence. It’s really good that someone was able to break down in definitive terms what it has been all this time. I wore so many hats yesterday at work, and was very proud of it. I think my mom always thought something was wrong with me ><
I wonder how many of you are actually INFJ personality type…
Thank you. I just came across one of your videos online while I was checking something totally irrelevant, and every light bulb in my brain just went on.
I’ve always thought there was something wrong with me, feeling like a complete failure, not being able to stick with just 1 thing and make a life out of it.
Now I know that I’m not alone, and that IT actually has a name.
Reading about it would help better direct it and use my skills.
Thank you
Santa – INTJ here!
Also for any Clifton Strengthfinders takers, how many of these fall in your top 5: Learner, Context, Individualization, Ideation, Connectedness ?
As a multipotentialite (I love this!) my greatest challenge is trying to give my mentors who want to help me better leverage my “potential” guidance on what I want to do. My skill set aligns to no org chart box and looking at job posting boards is a joke – I feel qualified for everything and nothing all at the same time ?????
I’m so glad to have found this site. I didn’t know we existed. I thought I was an anomaly, and I harbor a lot of shame for not sticking to one passion.
I am so in love with this label. I have NEVER had anything describe me so well and it’s amazing! I have felt so badly about myself for so long for not being able to “pick a lane” and now it makes sense. This knowledge is powerful and I feel like it opens up a whole new world of potential for me because I can accept myself in a way I never have before.
I can’t believe there are so many people who feel the same way I do!
For the first time I don’t feel helpless and , especially when my family mentions how I don’t follow through, how I don’t need to learn more, how I just need to take what I know and do that one thing. God, how I hate “that one thing” . I am now realizing there is nothing really inherently wrong with me and I can , in fact, put into play all my interests ! I am feeling thankful for this moment….now to get on with this new found multipotentialite version of me 🙂 . This shows it is never too late….I’m in my 6th decade of life! Yah for wisdom and experience to increase my multi potential!!!
I cannot put into words how reaffirming and validating it is to find you through your TED talk Emilie and this site! I think the world is waking up a little as i am starting to hear descriptions of businesses starting to look for ‘T shaped’ skillsets (still relying on at least one deep specialty) and jacks/jills of all trades, which is how I have described myself in recent years. I think one of the major problems is that people still look for you to fit their mold to get in the job, then they have a moment of realisation and start to benefit from all the super powers above.
I don’t think you have missed anything as such, but I do think its worth mentioning the capacity and ability for not just understanding but empathy. Probably the biggest common theme in my corporate career is I have built the bridge to help translate information, but the biggest thing is bringing the heart as well. I wonder if emotional intelligence is strong in most Multipotentialites?
i am so confused… i sing extraordinary, so much versatile.. my iq and eq is really high.. iam athletic to the extent can run several miles.. i play football am superb at it in every aspect and top player of my college.. i can do mma iam real tough and have this notoriety in street fighting.. ive won in acting as well as debates… what the hell iam sosososo confused man please help me
The seven qualities that you mention are all very recognizable and contribute greatly to a rich life. My route has never been a straight road but a path with many curves and obstacles, but therefore many times more interesting.
Through that path and these 7 qualities I have learned to trust my own strength (and my inner strength and resilience are also recognized by others). The enthusiasm that you mention (and not being afraid of constantly tackling new challenges), the overview (and therefore the ability to come to the core quickly), the versatility, the social skills and the innovative power … These are qualities that contribute greatly to my relationships with other people, to the enormous amount of colors and scents in my life and to my independence. And with it to my happiness in life.
That has not however always been the case. Just as many multipotentialites describe, it has also been a search for me. I started 5 studies and didn’t finish anything. And although I performed above average in almost everything, I never really excelled at anything. That was not a boost for my self-confidence and certainly not for the start of my career. Only when I started a working carreer and very quickly got the most diverse jobs, did I realize that my talent is ‘being-able-to-do-everything’.
And by extension that precisely because I am good at many things, I will never be the best at anything. That doesn’t sound like an advantage in this society, but it is.
Never being the best at anything, may not really contribute to a glorious career, but because of it I am never really a competitor.
Therefore people very quickly trust me, and often grant me more than others. It gives me freedom of movement specialists don’t often experience because expectations about my results always start at a lower level.
Moreover, my versatility means that in many areas outside of their specialty I am better than specialist. And they appreciate me for that.
I don’t know many other multipotentialites, but the few I know have all come to this realization sooner or later and have embraced it.
And that is why they are all people who are very relaxed in life. To me that relaxedness is a very powerfull 8th quality.
Wow, thank you Emilie. A friend of mine sent me your Ted Talk and I have felt so much ‘lighter’ and happier ever since (it’s hard to explain)!
I’ve been a specialist in my field for nearly 20 years, but at around 40, I thought, “F* it, there’s more to life”, and then subsequently started a whole heap of business ventures on my own (one by one), only to stop them once they show potential… but never feeling like a failure, and having heaps of fun in the process. (I still go back to my specialisation in between for the paychecks, sigh)… but each time happy to be back too. It’s weird. Or so I thought!
I watched the Ted Talk with my hubby and both our jaws dropped (he’s very supportive but so different that way)… he knows to just let me be and stand back, lol.
You have completely articulated my mind but also validated my being –> thanks so much! I’m now so proud I finally have a something I can identify with… and it’s not just “an accumulator of failed businesses” 🙂
Keep up the good work, and THANKS!
I used to work in an international kindergarten as an English teacher then they found out about my other skills and before i knew it i was a film maker,a party planner and more,i really loved working there as i had the chance to learn and create! (what more do we want?!) but it took so much energy so when i got home i was like this zombie walking around doing nothing but taking naps and after a while i kinda lost friends and stuff,so im not working now,how can i manage that really?
I’m coming here SO SO LATE. I discovered this site last night through the blog of a fellow Multipotenzialite and I just felt SO RELIEVED.
I’m 35 and in the last 8 years and counting I’ve been working as a freelance translator, and for the last 4 years as Wedding Planner too. Basically, these are two professions that allow me to be constantly learning new things, to change perspective, fields, having new experiences, knowing new people. I have a very quiet homelife that I adore (my husband and my dogs), but from the professional point of view, I’m still trying to understand if I can be better (because, yeah, it’s two jobs but I just make do and it could be so much better).
I cannot express how much reading these articles are helping me right now, because I’m having a hard time now and I was going back and forth with “it’s your fault, you’re not doing enough”, basically auto-stopping myself, so…thank you.
So glad I found this website! Everyone has always told me the only way I would not be successful is if I didn’t commit to one thing to specialize in. Finding out being multipassionate can be harnessed into an asset is refreshing and exactly what I needed to hear right now. Excited to explore your blog and learn more about your previous work!
Thank you for explaining my position!!!! Being this way does have some drawbacks!!!! I have to make myself stop!!!!! My mind rarely sleeps!