Focus on the grander, deeper purpose of a goal and you might realize there are many more options open to you than you first thought.
What to Do with ALL THIS STUFF?! 11 Tips for Multipotentialites
Stuff is great, but too much of it can mean a lack of space and a constant source of low-level distraction. Here’s how to re-engage with your belongings and really OWN them.
“Every time I’m required to specialize, I feel trapped”
I feel a mild anxiety every time I learn something new. Part of me fears that I might lose my breadth if I dare to develop my depth. Unfortunately, fears don’t simply disappear just because you tell them they’re nonsense.
How to Write a Resume When Yours Doesn’t Make Sense
Multipotentialites often have a complex career trajectory and this doesn’t lend itself well to writing a coherent resume. Here are 5 tips to help you write a strong multipotentialite resume.
Feeling Exhausted and Unproductive? Here’s How Not to Feel Bad About Yourself
Use your body’s natural ebbs and flows to get stuff done.
How Tiny, Unconscious Habits Can Lead to a World of Pain (And How to Prevent This!)
An injury makes me realize that every single day I fail to take care of myself through dozens of poor, tiny decisions.
You Probably Need to Do This One Thing More Often
Multipotentialites always projects on the go. But what about downtime? Many of us find it really hard to prioritize “retreat”.
The Struggle to Find a Balance Between Freedom and Security
Do multipotentialites have to choose between freedom and security in their work? Is there a middle way?
How to Choose the Right Path When There are SO MANY POSSIBILITIES
Should I study this, or that? Live here, or there? Date this person, or another? The possibilities multiply outwards at a frightening rate.