Finishing a major project is always a weird feeling. In addition to being overwhelming and fulfilling, it’s usually somewhat anticlimactic and disorienting.
My Tumultuous Relationship with the Violin, and Why Some Interests Deserve a Second Chance
Being a violinist was part of my identity. It was something I had done for so long. I worried that if I gave it up, I’d somehow lose myself.
How To Skirt Resistance and Become a “Productive Procrastinator”
When you make the decision to work on a project, your body screams NO- Anything but!
Are Multipotentialites the Innovators of the Future?
With the growing number of educated workers in developing countries, someone with a single background or area of expertise is fairly easy to replace.
How to Avoid Identity Crises When You’re a Multipotentialite
In our society, we are defined, not by our ideas, but by the form those ideas take. What happens when your medium changes?
How to Decide Which Projects to Focus On
Personal significance? Profitability? Urgency? Here are some tips to help you figure out which projects to prioritize.
A Love Letter to Portland
A bus ride with a pug named Piggy.
How To Get it Together when Things are Falling Apart
I’m so close to this actually happening and being real, yet so far because factors beyond my control hang in the balance. What the hell do I do?
How Multitasking Can Make You MORE Effective
Scanning mode is exactly what it sounds like: free time to work on whatever you please. Here’s how to do it effectively.