Sometimes our interests fade and return years later. Here are some ideas to help you settle back into them smoothly when they do.
You Know You’re a Multipotentialite When…
These multipotentialite “tells” are all too familiar… Which ones apply to you?
How To Launch a Business or Blog When You’re Not an Expert
Understand which kind of expert you are, be open about your learner status, draw on your existing knowledge, learn and emphasize your uniquity.
How To Balance Multipotentiality and Parenthood
Life as the parent of young children is often boring and repetitive–the exact things guaranteed to drive a multipotentialite crazy. Here are some tips to help.
A Rant on the State of Education
“I dove in with such vigor, only to be met with a very slow-paced, rote teaching style.”
How to Cope with Overwhelm
The need to feed our minds with new and shiny information is like an addiction. Our desire for constant learning is, after all, what makes us multipotentialites. It’s also the reason we so often experience overwhelm.
How To Curate Your Experiences and Organize Your Life
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a way to capture and sort through all of your interesting research, articles and experiences? Joel Zaslofsky has a system to help you do just that.
Dream Big. No… Bigger.
Some reflections on how we place limits on our dreams.
Why Multipotentialites are Attractive
Having multiple interests is sexy. So is curiosity.