It’s happening!!!
3 Strategies to Help You Run Multiple Businesses (Without Losing Your Mind)
Tips to help you make progress on your multipotentialite projects from a bona-fide productivity nerd.
How To Stop Feeling Guilty about New Interests
Starting the new project is really exciting, but it’s kind of tarnished with the disappointment you feel at not sticking to your old interest.
Are You Sick of Making Zero Progress on Your Projects?
Here’s why you should try co-working.
“Emilie, what happens if you lose interest in Puttylike?”
In this article I address the elephant in the room.
Can’t Find the Common Thread? Find the Jewel in Your Heart
What if your common thread is something spiritual, not something practical?
How to Stay Calm when Giving a TED Talk (or Doing Anything High-Pressure)
The story of how a terrified introvert did a TED talk.
Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling (Our TED Talk is Live!)
I believe that this TED talk has the power to help people all over the world who are struggling with their inability to do just one thing.
A Multipotentialite’s Guide to Dealing with Anxiety (Plus the Process of Writing and Publishing a Book)
Neil Hughes has combined two huge parts of his life, comedy and anxiety, to create a resource that is helping anxious people everywhere understand their anxiety and stop “walking on custard.”