Hi multipotentialites,
I recently sat down with new author, enthusiastic puttypeep, occasional comedian, and full-time worrier, Neil Hughes, and today she’s sharing that interview with you.
Neil is the author of the book, Walking on Custard & the Meaning of Life: A Guide for Anxious Humans. With this book, Neil has combined two huge parts of his life, comedy and anxiety, to create a resource that is helping anxious people everywhere understand their anxiety and stop “walking on custard.”
Multipotentialites often experience a lot of fear, confusion, and anxiety because of their inability to stick to one thing. I decided to interview Neil about his experience of anxiety and his advice for anyone suffering from anxiety.
However, as a curious multipotentialite myself, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to find out more about what goes into writing and publishing a book. So I also asked Neil about his experience of self-publishing a book as a multipotentialite. How did he get himself to commit to such a big project? Did having lots of skills come in handy? What advice would he give to other multipods who want to publish their own books?
Neil’s book is a fantastic read for anyone who feels alone in their struggles. Neil’s got a knack for opening right up and letting you inside his mind. If you struggle with anxiety yourself, you’ll find his mind works in a very similar way to yours. All of this makes for a very comforting read. Plus, Neil shares all of his best tips for dealing with anxiety. I’d definitely recommend checking it out for yourself.
So, whether you’re curious about how to handle your own anxiety, or you want to learn how to publish your own book, listen in to my interview with Neil:
Great interview, guys!
Thanks for the interview, it was inspiring. Also what a great book title!