I feel… weird.
After years of building my knowledge of “How To Self Care,” I’ve become well-versed in identifying my needs and fixing them. I know how to rest when I’m tired, or how to channel my energy when there’s an excess.
But lately it’s been increasingly difficult to recharge. I feel drained in a way I can’t quite describe and I can’t even begin to articulate whatever need it is that I’m failing to meet. A quick browse of The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows suggests I’m feeling an overdose of kenopsia—“the eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that’s usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet”—but that’s only part of the story.
Anyway, even if I knew for certain what was going on—if my Fairy Godmother appeared and informed me I’m suffering from sublimated covid anxiety mixed with kenopsia, lack of direction and boredom—well, great. What do I do about it?
None of my usual strategies for recovering my energy are working. My restful activities are leaving me more tired, and trying something active is making me stressed. Nothing I try prevents my energy from draining away, bit by bit.
So, in a possibly unwise move, I turned to the internet. The plan: as a one-month experiment, act on as many novel “recharging ideas” as I can.
Here’s how it went.
Idea #1: Less social media
Productivity and self-help experts often recommend limiting social media time. Now that I think about it, beaming a constant stream of unnecessary doom into my eyeballs does seem like a poor idea. And since I can’t ban everyone else from social media—which would solve the problem at a single stroke—I’d better ban myself.
From experience, I know it’s easier to aim to cut something down rather than cut it out, so in the end I didn’t ban myself entirely from social media. Instead, I made it harder to access by deleting all my mobile apps and automatically pausing distracting websites on my desktop browser.
I found I didn’t miss the excess social media at all. And I’ve definitely felt less fury-sadness during these weeks. This change didn’t replenish my missing energy but it did seem to slow the drain.
Deleting social media from my phone isn’t as good as throwing every computing device owned by humanity into the sea, but it was a strong beginning to the month of experiments. 10/10, would recommend.
Idea #2: Get closer to nature
I hate being told to get closer to nature. Don’t get me wrong, I love nature, I just hate being told to appreciate it. (This probably tells me that deep down, I know that I ought to be doing it more.)
I made an effort to get outside and spend some time by the river or in the countryside. But I also thought that I needed something more permanent, so I bought a plant. He’s called Ken, and I have enjoyed both the project of looking after him and the improved ambience he’s bringing to my home. Making my space a little more natural has raised the baseline for every day, which can only help.
Idea #3: “Yes Day”
While browsing for ideas on how to recharge, I came across the concept of a “yes day.” For parents, this might mean putting your kids in charge for an entire day. I have no kids, but my partner and I thought this idea might be fun. So, on the basis that something completely novel might be enough to break me out of the mysterious funk, I nervously agreed to do whatever she wanted for an entire day.
I was afraid of what this might entail (there was initially talk of horse-riding, makeovers, and lengthy shopping trips) but, in the end, I had nothing to worry about. She wanted to go to an art gallery, to the cathedral gardens, out for lunch, and drink cocktails in the sunshine. Perfect.
Even though this ended up being a day I might have planned for myself, it was freeing that I hadn’t done so. I realized that I’ve spent decades planning my days down to the smallest detail. It was liberating to let go completely, without even collaborating on making the plan like we usually do.
If, like me, you rarely take a day off from decision-making, and if you have a friend, partner or family member who you trust enough, it might be a pleasant, recharging experiment to put them in charge for a day.
Idea #4: Lazy journaling
I always feel better after journaling about my thoughts and feelings. But mostly, I can’t be bothered to actually take time to write about how I’m feeling or what I’ve been doing*.
* I appreciate the irony of writing this in an article about what I’ve been feeling & doing.
However, every source of recharging advice was enthusiastic about journaling, so eventually I got worn down and vowed to try it… in the laziest possible way.
I opened a document, I refused to think about what I was writing, and I began to type.
I find it much easier to commit to stream-of-consciousness writing, perhaps because it prevents my internal editor from getting in the way. As a result, I was able to express some frustrations which I hadn’t been able to articulate before. And occasionally, my thoughts would meander onto random nonsense, which helped by entertaining me with my own silliness.
Overall, this idea was a great success. It brought some much-needed clarity to some confused feelings, and I highly recommend it.
Idea #5: A personal retreat
I’ve written before about the benefits of retreat. At the start of the month I realized I hadn’t been anywhere completely new since January 2020, so I planned to take a couple of days to go somewhere. It didn’t matter where: a nearby town, a night in the countryside, a beach, a park, whatever.
Unfortunately my local area went back into lockdown, so I just stood in a different room at home for a bit longer than usual. It wasn’t as good as I’d hoped. But if you can go somewhere new, safely and without too much effort, it might be worth a try.
Idea #6: A ludicrously early night
Many people swear that occasional early bedtimes are necessary to catch up on sleep, and while I’ve often joked that being in bed by six is the dream, I’d never actually tried it until now.
So, one night, instead of my habitual bedtime at around 10ish/11ish, I got into bed at 8pm. I fully expected to lie awake for hours thinking “this was a silly idea” but I was apparently exhausted enough to go right to sleep and remain in bed for twelve whole hours! I cannot remember the last time this happened.
I would love to say that the next day was a constant parade of energetic success, but I was somehow even more tired afterwards.
The conclusion I draw from this is either:
- I have a significant sleep deficit and this is a signal that I need to do this more often,
- Or the universe doesn’t make sense and I should give up trying to artificially manipulate how I feel, and simply get better at listening to my intuition and sleeping/exercising/drinking water/whatever more naturally.
Which brings me to…
All the obvious stuff
Every piece of advice I read began by underlining the importance of eating well, taking walks, seeing friends (unless it was written in 2020… laughing-sadface), napping, exercising, etc. As usual, this was irritating, particularly since this was all the stuff I was doing that was no longer working.
But I still made an effort to keep it up as best I could because not doing the basics is worse. (I already experimented earlier in lockdown with failing to keep up with the basics, and it was not good.)
A conclusion, of sorts
As the month ends, the weird feeling has mostly dissipated. I would love to tell you that this is because somewhere during these experiments I stumbled on the One Idea That Solves All My Problems, but I can’t even be sure that these experiments helped at all. Perhaps the feeling would have dissipated no matter what I did!
But that doesn’t make this a failed experiment. A few of these ideas were new to me in concept, and most were new to me in execution. At the very least, trying them out made a potentially difficult month more fun, and I have some plans to keep experimenting in future.
The point isn’t that these particular experiments are special. After all, many of them are already habits for other people, and they’re not all possible in every circumstance. But if you’re feeling stuck—and aren’t we all, in 2020?—then I bet there are some similar trials you could play with. Try making a list of experiments and giving them a go. Maybe you’ll hit on an idea that reenergizes your life and routine! And if you do, be sure to let us know.
In the meantime, I’m off to say hi to Ken. Take care.
Your Turn
Have you ever tried any unusual experiments to help you recharge? Do you have any ideas to share with the community? Let us know in the comments.
I work in mental health, and obviously also need to maintain my own, so this suggestion is just as much for myself as others.
Ive been encouraging people to explore their sensory profile, and find ways to 1) reduce noxious sensory input and 2) improve meeting sensory needs.
For example feeling meh, down or restless may be a sign that you’ve got a sensory deficit somewhere. If you know your sensory profile you’ll be able to better spot what that might be, ans and figure out how to access it (despite lock down). Do you need auditory, proprioceptive, movement, touch or visual stimulation?
Its a whole new realm of self care apart from mental, emotional or social strategies.
Ive had good feedback and found it very helpful myself.
I’ve never heard of a sensory profile. Sounds interesting. What does it entail?
Thanks Cath, I really love this idea! I love the simplicity of just considering each of my senses and seeing what I can do to improve what each is experiencing. Thank you so much for sharing, I’ll definitely be trying this one soon.
One suggestion immediately springs to mind from reading your article, best summed up by the phrase ‘laughter is the best medicine’ – your humour made me laugh out loud a couple of times.
Might seem hard to do in such a difficult situation when there’s so much suffering going on – but – as I once learned from the other women on my ward, when I was in hospital to have some pre-cancerous cells removed, humour can be a great tonic and a way to get through a difficult situation.
My other comment – re social media – I think like most things it’s how you use it….I’ve been avoiding all the doom and gloom but engaging with people and content that inspired hope and ways to turn the current crisis into an opportunity to grow and a challenge to use my creativity to find ways to pivot and come up with innovative solutions – which absolutely suits me as a multipotentialite.
One particular community I would recommend is a free community on Facebook called ‘Rise Up’.
Haha, thanks Merlina, I’m really happy you enjoyed the article 🙂 I completely agree on the importance of humour, and also that it can be hard to manage on demand. You’re also absolutely right about social media – it can be a tool for good. Occasionally I prune my feeds so they’re more positive but as months go by I invariably get dragged back into the negativity. Thanks for the reminder to make sure to keep connecting with positive people and communities 🙂
This was SUCH a great recap, I love ALL these ideas, especially Ken!! And I think just the concept of turning the grating “try better habits” advice into something exciting like “go do experiments” is enough to get the ball rolling. In my 2020 experience, *novelty* has been particularly helpful (esp when facing the same walls and the same person and cats all day every day for months). I taught myself how to skateboard (ish) and how to make dandelion honey back in the summer – not because Instagram told me too either – like the sourdough craze – but because I genuinely wanted to know these things (that’s the huge difference!) Also Tarot has been my go-to Self Care tool for the past year. It makes journaling more fun and, dare I say, enlightening?? I choose a card at the beginning of the month, assign a word based on the archetype/symbolism and then journal about what it could mean for me that month. Then I reflect again, once the month has passed. I’ll tell you, it’s uncanny how much it reveals to me. Like having a therapist and coach right there for free 🙂
If more people share their ideas, I’d love a follow up blog post or a continuation of this theme as some of us head into the winter doldrums!! Thanks for sharing this with us!
Yes! Novelty is SO important, especially at the moment. (Also I’ve never heard of dandelion honey but it sounds incredible :D) I’m really pleased you liked the post, and I’ll definitely consider doing a followup with some more of these community ideas – people have contributed some great thoughts already, and you’re so right that that “go do experiments” framing makes it all much more energising!
I have been in a similar situation in 2020. One of the many things I’ve tried that seems to be working is getting rid of stuff. Just a drawer, or one countertop, or an entire closet. I am finding that clearing out old junk physically also works mentally. I have found things that bring back good memories, I sit for a while and remember, then move on. Holding on to things that no longer are useful or meaningful, allows me to move on mentally. Happy de-decluttering!!!
PS, Please say hi to Ken for me.
Haha, I will do 😀
Absolutely agreed, I love decluttering! I did a lot of it last year, and then a bit more at the start of lockdown. But you’re making me realise it’s probably time for yet more! Thanks 😀
I relate to this! I am a long standing student and teacher of yoga and meditation. 2020 has challenged the efficacy of many of my normal self-care routines. I, too, found that my usual habits to manage my stress and keep my energy up were no longer quite making the cut. While some days are still quite hard, and as the needs and the environment continue to change, here is what has been working for me … lately!
1. I do a seasonal cleanse 2x a year. It is from the tradition of Ayurveda. It is wrought with nourishment and care practices. It can be hard, but only because you’re cleansing all the toxins out, particularly from your emotional layers and tissues. (Enter 2020 and the hardest cleanse to date.) But once I came out on the other side this fall, I have quite literally had so much more clarity – physically, mentally, and energetically. It was quite profound. I have been riding on the coat tails of that cleanse and sustaining the effects with intention, routines and boundaries. The routines rely heavily on “the basics” as described above such as being mindful and intentional about what i put in my body and how I ingest it, my movement and meditation routines, which have more intention and specificity than ever, always taking at least one walk outside with my dog no matter the weather, getting enough true rest and sleep, and remembering to play. Play can be so many things, but for me it often includes making music, social time with loved friends, impromptu 5 minute dance parties with my partner, or playing with my dog. Something that is for pure joy. Lastly, my new best friend during COVID, which has had a potent effect on my energy levels, is grace. I offer myself more grace than I ever have before. And, let’s be real, often these moments of grace swoop in when I’m doing the opposite and being way too hard on myself. But when I remember the grace, so much weight is lifted, so much tension dissipates, and I feel incredibly lighter. The road ahead seems less daunting, and my spirit feels more capable. To me, grace reminds me of softening and surrendering. And surrender is a powerful force to invite in when you’re feeling stuck or frustrated or drained. It may seem counter intuitive, but if you’ve never tried surrendering as a conscious and active choice, it might just change your life. Shine on, brilliant souls!
Fantastic contribution, thank you Allie! I particularly appreciate the reminder to not be so hard on myself, particularly during these circumstances. Shine on too 🙂
All credits to Ken. (No, seriously, what an awesome article. Thanks for uplifting me)
Aw, thanks Sitara! I will pass on your credit to Ken when I visit him for misting later 😀 Hope your own experiments go very well 🙂
I have happened upon times in my life such as this and my remedy was always to do something that was different, radically different or perhaps “break the mold” different. Yes, it sometimes got me in trouble – others didn’t understand the shift or the shift reverberated from my life to theirs in an unwelcome or in a way they didn’t understand. I learned to find ways to minimize the effect to my life with minimal influence to others, to find methods of “shaking up” my life without shaking up the lives of others. Sometimes I found a partner to journey with. This came from many years of trial and error and shortening my reach for something different to things less radical than my inner self yearned for all at once. I find, sometimes, the need for change comes on gradually and I don’t notice it until the need screams for attention and I feel compelled to take action. Struggling out of a “rut” sometimes takes radical action, sometimes it requires a minor poke but, for me, the rut has always been the enemy. I had to learn to minimize the collateral damage as I struggled out of it and I had to, at times, leave rut-lovers behind.
I’ve moved away from knitting (which is my form of meditation) to doing Paint by Numbers for adults. Its like the kids version but its using acrylic paint and is awesome. You don’t even have to think of about the colour combination and the paint brushes are provided.
I noticed that in the text written by Neil Hughes he mentioned the word boredom. Taking advantage of the conversation, I notice something similar to the feeling of boredom, which gives the feeling of eternal emptiness that never ends. Activating curiosity, I took advantage of the subject and took it to our study group for an open conversation. During the discussion, the philosophy professor recommended that we read the book “The Burnout Society” by author Byung-Chul Han. The book briefly addresses the condition of man in the 21st century considering technological phenomena and the way in which the increase in the manifestation of neuronal diseases can be associated with an excessively positive way of living life, excluding difference and otherness.
So, I hope I helped to improve the evolution of the conversation.
I love this post! Just reading it, I feel somewhat recharging. This post resonates perfectly with what I feel right now.
Here’s one thing I started to recharge which I found unexpectedly effective: My company’s sent us all into homeoffice in March and for most of this year, I have been working at home now. But I still “go to work” every morning: After having breakfast and getting ready, I put on my coat, say goodbye to my partner and walk around in my neighbourhood for 15 to 30 minutes. Then I get home, sit down at my desk and work. The benefits are 1) I move more, and 2) there is a clear break between work time and non-work time. However, I keep forgetting “going home” in the evening…
Thank you so much for your inspirations, Neil!