Exactly one year ago tomorrow, I turned on the lights.
It was one of the scariest days of my life. I set WordPress to “I would like my site to be visible to everyone,” I nervously sent an invitation to my 400 Facebook friends to join the Page, I signed up for Twitter, I shared my first article.
And then, in a panic, I shut my laptop and went for a walk through the NΓΈrrebro neighbourhood of Copenhagen.
A lot has changed in the last year.
I’m no longer a law student. I no longer live abroad. I moved to Portland, Oregon with the fresh vegetables, friendly weirdos, and many of my best friends that I didn’t even know a year ago.
It’s so strange looking back and thinking about how radically different my life was a year ago. And it all started the day I launched Puttylike.
Thank you.
I’ve received countless emails from you guys over these past twelve months, thanking me for spreading the message that it’s okay to follow many paths. But really, you’re the ones I should be thanking.
Creating Puttylike wasn’t just about sharing a message with the world or building a business. It was also personal– it was about reassuring myself that there were others out there like me and that I’d be okay pursuing all my passions.
And when you started showing up, and then showing up in droves, you can’t imagine what that meant to me. You guys gave me permission to be the biggest multipotentialite I could be.
So before we get on with the big announcement, I just want to say thank you, multipods, for the best year of my life.
Aww.. happy b-day, Puttylike π
You’ve definitely inspired me and have given me a lot to think about, so I’m glad I found you on Ethan’s fb page π
Thank you, Denise! You inspire me right back. π
I’m so excited for you. Really, it’s wonderful to see your growth:)
One year ago this today: I read about Chris Guillibeu’s World Domination Summit. It sounded cool, but I didn’t know if I belonged or could justify the expense.
About a week prior, I read Chris Guillebeau’s The Art of Non-conformity in under 24 hours. The Hubby and I had a good hard talk about life and where ours was headed with our little family. We knew he couldn’t stay in a cubicle forever. I knew I wanted to give my creativity the light of day. We didn’t know where exactly we wanted to go, but had the hope that with a little vision we’d find our way.
In December, I finally decided to start blogging. But, it took a month before I stopped dragging my feet and worrying about the “theme” and started writing about whatever I wanted. I started finding my voice, then in March found Puttylike:)
And the Hubby and I got to meet you at the World Domination Summit in June. Amazing how fast things change when you open up to the idea. Thanks for being a part of the it for me.
That’s such an awesome story, Holli. And one I can relate to very closely. I can honestly say that you’ve been one of the most enthusiastic, supportive Puttypeep and friends over the past year. π
Scratch Treehouse is already so awesome, and you’re going to do more and more incredible things, I just know it!
Happy birthday! Congratulations on the book launch.
1 year ago: working a job I hated, quit it soon after, had no life, no identity so I embarked on creating my lifestyle, and in one year I’ve worked on a cruise ship (dream and bucket list item) and become location independent to 95%. Still working on it, but it’s slowly becoming a reality.
Nice! That’s what I like to hear. It’s more about the trajectory than being 100% of the way there anyway. You’re on a path you love– the journey is what matters. π
Thanks Johan!
Congratulations! I’m so happy you took the big step of starting Puttylike! It’s awesome.
A year ago I was just starting to learn about the possibility of a different type of lifestyle. I’m happy to say I’m well on my way to creating something amazing and very puttylike! Thanks for all the inspiration.
And since I’m just up the road in Seattle, I hope we get the chance to meet in person at some point!
Oh absolutely! I’m sure I’ll be in Seattle at some point. Are you on Twitter?
I’m so glad that you’ve started finding your way toward a “multipotentialite life by design.” Isn’t it the greatest feeling when your day starts to become a smorgasbord of meaningful projects? Love it. π
I’m @midlifepassion on Twitter. I get down to Portland a couple of times a year too!
I wish you the best of luck with Puttylike-future. I only hope it gets better from here.
One year ago today I was in a job that I was beginning to question, following a career path I wasn’t sure I wanted, with a direct superior that made my life hell. I quit the job 5 months later and joined my partner in developing FlamingLunchbox (HTML5/Android game development), and having been learning to program. We’ve only been at it together for about 7 months, but I haven’t been this happy since I was in college. I feel like I’m doing something that matters with my life again. Something that makes a difference for myself, and others out there. I’m creating. It’s changed my life.
Wow, that sounds awesome Rachel. Good for you! I really do love hearing these stories. π
And thank you!
You go, Emilie! π The Puttytribe has so been with you this year.
And the internet is a much better place, LOL. I look forward to seeing the next great thing you’re going to create.
Pat Flynn always says that when you have a blog or business, you should always leave the internet a better place. So thanks for that. Means a lot. π
And thanks for being such a rad Puttypeep these last few months Annie!
No problem, Emilie! You’ve earned every ounce of happiness you’ve been able to create over the past year. π
You have touched me in many ways than one. One of my key inspiration comes from seeing how consistent you have been.
I won’t stop telling my friends who are puttylike in nature.
One year ago, we had that skype conversation when you just opened puttylike. We spoke about my many interests. I was able to grow in confidence due to the recoomendations U gave.
Keep the fire burning. Thanks for being awesome.
Thank you Jesse. You’ve been one of the most consistent community members here this past year. The support and dedication has meant the world to me!
Hi Emilie,
I’ve been silently following your blog for about a month or 2 now. You have definitely inspired me! I have showed my mom too, but she still doesn’t get it. She just says “you are so talented, but I am glad you have found your focus in graphic design.” She doesn’t get why I’m still not satisfied. Thanks for reminding me that I can still do everything I want to do! Thanks to Renaissance Business, I am planning on revamping my current blog in some form and finding ways to do more of what I love.
I have come a long way. One year ago today, I was newly married, living in a new city (Cincinnati), working at a restaurant making almost nothing, and struggling to find my dream job in a place where I didn’t know anyone. I thought my dream job was graphic design, but I kept getting distracted by creating art and finding freelance work. I was also trying to learn to cook and constantly clean up after my messy husband!
Now I have a steady paying job in a creative field, I have figured out the whole cooking and cleaning thing, and I am making plans to better my little business so that I can someday work for myself and have a more flexible schedule.
Thanks for all you do!
Emilie, I am delirious with joy to have found your website and now have a tool for expression with kindred spirits. Always loved being a generalist even though the corporate world loves and shuns people like us. I am 55, a bottomless source of wisdom and knowledge and still carving my path towards freedom from the shackles of conformity. There is hope! Congratulations on Puttylike!