How can you compete with someone who has put in so many more hours than you? Is there a way that being a jack-of-all-trades can give you an edge?
What Students With Many Interests Need to Know About Their Careers
There are alternatives to just getting a J-O-B.
What It Means to Be “Entrepreneurial”
Is there some entrepreneur gene? What if you didn’t drop out of high school to launch a tech startup?
What It Means to Be an Amateur
In our specialist-centric, skill-obsessed culture, the word “amateur” gets a bad rap.
What Would You Do With 24 Hours of Free Time?
Your only rule: Spend this time doing work that you wouldn’t otherwise have to do.
Multipotentiality Doesn’t Mean Multitasking
Do you “refuse to choose” so much that you refuse to even choose one thing moment by moment?
What Do You Do When You’re Stuck Within a Rigid Structure That Doesn’t Value Your Multipotentiality?
Whether you’re in a highly specialized degree program or a narrow job, here’s how to get unstuck.
Are Multipotentialites Driven by Discomfort?
I got a lot of insights from my week at music camp.
The Eclectic Life of a Zoo Mystery Author
When you’re interested in everything, life can take you to very unexpected places.